Keeping multiple strains of mothers on the same flood tray


Active Member
Hi guys. Im having a hard time keeping all my mothers looking healthy. I have 5 different strains and I was wondering if anyone had tips on things like ppm levels or those sorts of things. I can upload pictures of the specific issue if anyone replys to this post:)


Active Member
I currently use H&G nutes along with superthrive and sweets currently my ppms are at 1100 for what are essentially 7 week mothers. My blue cheese and headband love it but my master and deep purple dont look good at all... hope this info helps


Well-Known Member
Id just go to soil for your mothers. especially if theyre something special. Simple, cheap, effective. Alot of people who run hydro keep mothers in soil.

If your electricity goes out and your flood table cant water them youre fucked if youre not home or sleeping.

also the deep and master are lighter feeders than headband and blue ceese.

try backing off the super thrive, that alone might help.

edit: also upload pictures.


Well-Known Member
I too vote for Moms living in soil. 100% separated, far less likely that an issue will wipe out all of my strains at once. (I keep at least 1-2 moms of each strain, and 1-2 candidate moms of each strain all in different pots just in case).



Active Member
That might be something Ill try.. the pictures are of the blue cheese(healthy) and the deep purple(not so much) They both look a little thirsty I took the picture right before there feed came on. Im not sure what is wrong in my room im currently growing the deep purple and the master and week 4 the ppm was at around 1400 which was a little high but i didnt see anything that looked this bad.

sorry for sideways pics iphone problems...

