Keeping plants in veg off grid


New Member
Have some ladies in 150 gallon pots that i want to see get bigger before they start flowering, and i know they only have 2-3 weeks of veg left on sunshine alone and then they'll start to flower. I don't need anything that will help with growth at night, I just need something to interupt their cycle to stop flowering for another month or so. I picked up some 29w LED flood lights so we'll see if those do the trico, but was hoping for suggestions

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
To maximize the little light you have make a reflective wall or enclosure. You can fit a shitload of seedlings in a cardboard box or large cooler.

If you have the ability to charge a 12 volt battery you can run a single led or low wattage fluoro bulb off a cheap inverter. Even better if you can alternate two batteries. With summer ambient light, you might only need to run your light for a few hours to hold them in veg. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't take much to hold off flowering. Even as little as half an hour here and there can stop a plant getting the 12hours it needs to think it's time to change to bud production.

Takes stuff all light too. That's why tent growers are so uptight about light leaks.


Well-Known Member
The solar powered flood lights will work but eventually as your plants get bigger not enough light will be reaching your lowers and you will get some flowers starting down below.

I used them for a while when I was playing around with how cheap I could grow cannabis and it definitely works. you will need multiple lights to light up big plants in 150g pots. I would just flip them on around 11pm and leave them on all night, by morning the lights would be very dim but still on.

sandhill larry

Well-Known Member
You can go the gas lantern route. Run your lights for an hour at midnight. Plants go by length of darkness, not light, so by breaking up the night into two shorter nights, it thinks it's still summertime and keeps on keeping on.

Note: you do not actually have to use a gas lantern to get this effect.

Good luck.