keeping plants small?


how can i keep a plant small. its only about a week old and very small so i dont know if its indica or sativa but is there a way to keep plants small so you can grow them in a tight space?


Well-Known Member
+1 for LST

I love LSTing I find it extremely effective in growing as much as you can while keeping leaves and stems where you want them to be.


i know it is probly somewhere else on the forum but could you explain what LST and topping are? i kinda know what topping is
in the second week of growing some new northern lights and i feel that the hight is increasing too quickly compared to the developement off the leaves (not too bad). should i be concerned? solution?


Well-Known Member
in the second week of growing some new northern lights and i feel that the hight is increasing too quickly compared to the developement off the leaves (not too bad). should i be concerned? solution?
ive got 7 northern lights growing atm an that happened to mihne when the light was too far away, drop the light a bit and see if that helps


Active Member
I would say go 12/12 from seed to keep them small. I have a plant that is a little over 2 inches which is budding. I did 12/12 from seed (probably other reasons why she's so small).