Keeping Seeds


Active Member
wasub. i got some questions for you pros

how long can i keep a seed for?
wheres the best place and what are the best conditions to keep seeds in?
in the country where im going there is no cannabis, therefor there are no seeds. i want to take like 100 seeds and keep them for a year or two before i plant them.
another thing, whats the safest way of smuggling seeds through airport customs?


Well-Known Member
It depends on what country your going to as SEEDS are allowed in uk but not in the usa

Seeds can take a kicking no worries there man and the best conditions are cool warm lots of air thats it and not all are needed .. and 1-2 years is ok a bit risky as they might die by then


Well-Known Member
wasub. i got some questions for you pros

how long can i keep a seed for?
wheres the best place and what are the best conditions to keep seeds in?
in the country where im going there is no cannabis, therefor there are no seeds. i want to take like 100 seeds and keep them for a year or two before i plant them.
another thing, whats the safest way of smuggling seeds through airport customs?

For storage, the key is to keep the seeds dry. If you are serious I would go with a vacuum sealed bag and one of those desiccant packs that absorb water like you find when you buy electronics or something.

For airports, I don't know. Definitely in the checked luggage. Mix them in with a bag of sunflower seeds and sort them out later? I don't know.


Well-Known Member
years and years ago my buddy order seeds. he received a jar of peppercorn. this was back when a 10 pack was 200 dollars. he was pissed. he got mad and smacked the jar of peppercorn across the counter. it spilled out everywhere. right in the middle of it all he saw a bean. took him several hours to find the other 9 on the floor. lol :)


Active Member
It depends on what country your going to as SEEDS are allowed in uk but not in the usa

Seeds can take a kicking no worries there man and the best conditions are cool warm lots of air thats it and not all are needed .. and 1-2 years is ok a bit risky as they might die by then

thanks for the good help
the seeds are actually going to tehran, to be the first cannabis plants grown in a hydroponics system in the whole country.
so i'd be really happy if the expensive seeds i buy from the states dont die by the time we set up.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the good help
the seeds are actually going to tehran, to be the first cannabis plants grown in a hydroponics system in the whole country.
so i'd be really happy if the expensive seeds i buy from the states dont die by the time we set up.

You realize that growing cannabis could mean a death sentence ....


Well-Known Member
thanks for the good help
the seeds are actually going to tehran, to be the first cannabis plants grown in a hydroponics system in the whole country.
so i'd be really happy if the expensive seeds i buy from the states dont die by the time we set up. Marijuana prices in Tehran, Iran

Tehran Updated: 16/12/2007

Smoking tolerance level [1= very illegal 5=virtually legal]: 4.5

Legislation: Iran has a very interesting policy towards buds - planting marijuana is legal if planted for food purposes because in Iran ranians still eat the seeds just like sunflower seeds, and there are also companies in tehran that draw the oil from the seed and sell it legally.

The punishment for possession of marijuana is a fine of Iranian Rials 10000 (US $1.25)for every gram in your possession and as long as you have less than 10-15 grams they will not even hassle you. Please always use common sense and caution and remember a smile is better than a frown.

Law Enforcement: Police would be no bother if you don't act silly. If you are a foreigner then for sure you'll face no problems at all, but if you are caught a few dollars will solve the problem.

Smoking it though is technically illegal but enforcement is next to nothing. You can walk anywhere in Iran and puff away and no one will have any idea that you are smoking weed. Most people here smoke hash or opium so smoking weed is considered as OK.

Where to buy Marijuana in Iran: Hash is found every where. In parks or street anywhere you see a group of youngsters smoking or talking, don\'t hesitate ask them and at least they'll know somewhere near for getting hash.Getting weed needs contacts. Dealers are mostly working in western parts of the city. Walking around markets and streets in western parts you can ask young people with the rap style or long hairs like hippies for sure they\'ll have the dealers telephone number and will help you out. If you are lucky and get to the right person you'll get one of the best stuff you\'ve ever smoked.

Marijuana prices and Brands in Iran : Marijuana Prices

1. Indica Variety High Potency 2-3 Dollars per gram
2. Sativa Variety High Potency 3 Dollars per gram
3. Indica Variey Low Potency 1-2 Dollars per gram

In Iran people smoke more Hash than Marijuana but that trend seems to be changing as better weed enters the market.

Hash Prices

1. Afghani 2 Dollars per gram
2. Pakistani 2 Dollars per gram

and also: "About 3-4$ per gram for weed. 1/4 ounce pack for about 15$. 1/2 ounce 30$.
Hash prices are a little cheaper. 1$ per gram."


Well-Known Member
Damn, Picasso, that is some mighty interesting information. I could, and have, passed for Persian, too. And Indian. And Native American. And Mexican. And Turkish (it was mostly Middle Eastern when my nose was pierced). And black when I have a tan going. :lol: As a woman, though.. I'm not so sure I want to find myself in one of those countries that doesn't give women equal rights as men. Like Italy.
What will happen to seeds if there in a sealed tight baggy and put in the fridge?
I wouldn't put them in the refrigerator as there's a chance of humidity being introduced. I keep mine in a baggie in one of my dresser drawers (temp stable area).


Active Member
not all that info is correct. i seen that website, they make things up just for the sake of having something on every country. u kno?
there are a 100 seeds and im planing to just put them in the luggage and pray nothing happens.


Well-Known Member
not all that info is correct. i seen that website, they make things up just for the sake of having something on every country. u kno?
there are a 100 seeds and im planing to just put them in the luggage and pray nothing happens.
Those lying bastards! Are they just trying to grab the lucrative Iran stoner market?

That reminds me, have you ever seen the movie Midnight Express?


Well-Known Member
not all that info is correct. i seen that website, they make things up just for the sake of having something on every country. u kno?
there are a 100 seeds and im planing to just put them in the luggage and pray nothing happens.
Good luck. Brave soul.


Well-Known Member
Excellent movie about billy hayes trying to smuggle some stash out of turkey. I do not believe he made that great of a decision though.:blsmoke: