keeping temp up during flowering


Active Member
yeah hey, just going into budding now and need a heat sorce for when lights off

any do's and donts?

needs to be electricaly powered and economical:finger:

anyone know what best to get - many options apprieated as am in uk and may not find all the stuff u guys suggest



Active Member
my eyesight must be going :d opps for those emoticons above i thought that was a sad face with thumb up (doh)


Well-Known Member
I use a space heater. You can get a cheap one for less than $100. They are rated at high wattages (mines a 1500w) but to heat a 6 x 10 room I have the setting on less than 1, which probably uses 50watts after it's done heating up. Keep in mind the temps outside get in the 30-40's.


Active Member
thanxs again man u seem to have my back btw u were right about my ph was low bought digital meter and sustaining it about 6.1 now :D