keeping the hieght down


Active Member
hi im looking to grow outdoors in spring next year and was wondering about the heigt. most seeds ive seen say can grow up to 2 to 3 meters but i dont want them growing that big because of getting caught by neighbours. is it just a case of keeping them cut at the top to make them stay low sorry if its a dumb question. help would be appreciated:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
An alternative to topping (cutting) the plant is to tie it down.
You can put a stake in the ground and tie the plant so it's bent over towards the stake, bend it a little more every other day or so to get the desired profile you need for stealth.
I have bent plants over so that they look like ground vines bristling with stinky colas. You can have an 8-10 foot plant snaking along the ground with the branches laden with buds, all growing straight up from it. So this way you can get a much larger yield than having to keep short plants thru topping.
I like to use panty hose loops around the main stem, and I tie the loops to 50 to 70 lb monofilament fishing line.


Active Member
so the stems arnt goin to snap right? and is it a case of doin when they are still small? one last thing aswell would the stake have to be moved like every other day over a few weeks to bend it or would you just put it strihgt into place


New Member
^^^^ What Wavels said. ^^^^

Another idea is to use 2" chicken wire and train the plants under that. Just imagine tons of little colas all popping up in every hole in the chicken wire. :)



Active Member
yeh i will have to do that otherwise have high risk of getting caught. one more question sorry if its been posted already but has any1 grown lowryder 2 if so are they any good and was your yeild still ok. thankyou for your help:blsmoke: :peace:


Active Member
lw2 its ok but i would just do normal plants just veg them 4 about 34 or 5 week an top them an then flower them lw2 are just cheap nt so strong strain but if u get auto ak blueberry hindu kush i found that they were fucking amazing blew me away 9 week from seed best thing i did


Active Member
lowryder2 is pretty good, their are better auto some easyrider &/or diesleryder(alot of people will shittalk auto-strains,but most whove grown them were happy with the results)I think it's good to have some auto's in your garden means you dont have to wait until fall to smoke some homegrown(or build any light blockers.)


Lowryder 2 its way better than Lowryder because of yeild but if it comes to make new strains its better to start with lowryder.
i get metal coat hangers bend them into a loop n bend my plant down have to keep moving the coat hangers down every couple of days