keeping the mother


Well-Known Member
..might be a stupid ass question, but ive been reading a lot about cloning and i am curious, how do you keep a mother plant living (lets say indoors) for a long period of time, say 3 years? if this is even possible. The author of this cloning article i read stated the point of cloning is to keep a mother plant alive for as long as possible, so you could take clones. I thought, after you take a clone from a nice female or "mother", this mother eventually dies (after harvest), and the clone is what you depend on to keep a particular strain going..??

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Mr. JOE..

you can keep a plant under 18 hours of light indefinitely.. theoretically speaking.. and you can use this plants to take CLONES from... hundreds of clones..

you can also clone using the method that you speak of... you can clone a plant... probably the lower lesser branches during the vegging stage and then flower the plant... or you can even take the clones during the first 2 weeks of flowering...



Well-Known Member
there are several great posts on cloning that are posted in this forum . If you click on GrowFAQ, its the second button in from the left on the top of this page, it will bring up a list of topics and cloning will be a large section. Mogie has included several with pictures. Another good source is the Journals, Widows comes to mind that shows a clone method he is getting 100% success with, may want to check that out. VV