Keeps happening every grow. Throwing in the towel

It kind of seemed to me like the coco needed to be precharged and buffered or something with Cal mag. I still rinse my coco and sift it with Ro, add calmag and base nutes to bring the ppm around 500. I am using canna coco bricks now but I still did this with the bagged stuff

after charging the coco I then add ph up/down(typically up) until it is 6.0. I then let it sit in that water until the ph stabilizes which I’m patient for and will sometimes change. After everything’s ready I drain the water and use it

I am new to coco so I’ve been doing this all with no problems, but if it’s not needed I would love to not have to do all that shit!!! I hate going through that process
Im using high quality coco. No need to flush.
I have 2.5 gal pots in pot bases. Can i water to runoff and let that water sit in those bases or do i have to siphon that shit off? The plants wick the water up pretty fast so it's not root rot.
Ideally, runoff should not stay in contact with the pot.

I apologize for tossing you links, but I'm a slow typer.