Kenny Glenn (Big internet controversy!!!!)

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this kid Kenny Glenn, made a couple videos of himself abusing a cat(grabbing neck, punching, beating) and posted it on youtube. the video stirred up a lot of controversy. the video was removed. the kind ppl at 4chan are known internet hackers, and cat lovers. they made a website, posting all the kids info, and his family's info.

the kids was taken into police custody, the cat was taken to a shelter. the kid was released to his parents, every1 is awaiting to see wat will be his punishment.

many ppl are trying to get the story to the national media.

thanks for the summary... kid does look like a creepy lil guy though....

i personally dont like cats, but this is just stupidity:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Unless I was personally watching that asshole kid I wouldn't want him anywhere near animals. You never know who's going to let him out of his sights for a few minutes and give him a chance to beat on some more helpless animals


New Member
I said under supervision. It's not like there is only one person in an animal shelter.

OK, how about this, he has to scoop the shit out of the Lion and Tiger enclosures at a zoo, for free for the next 5 years.


Well-Known Member
I said under supervision. It's not like there is only one person in an animal shelter.

OK, how about this, he has to scoop the shit out of the Lion and Tiger enclosures at a zoo, for free for the next 5 years.
there ya go :mrgreen: make him clean lion and tiger shit with his bare hands. that would be a good punishment


New Member
there was a vid of some marine or w/e throwing a puppy off a cliff in iraq while his buds taped it that started a big uproar also.

cats rule btw.


Well-Known Member
I still don't see why no one gives a shit when a girl slams the heel of her shoe through a cat's eye and another girls smashes a cats head on the sidewalk with her foot on 4chan, also when the guy put his cat in a cage and lit it on fire. I really don't see why people are making such a big fucking deal about this, it happens every day all around the world and people do even worse shit.

Edit: to the people saying you're gonna kill him, how is that any better than what he did?


Well-Known Member
I still don't see why no one gives a shit when a girl slams the heel of her shoe through a cat's eye and another girls smashes a cats head on the sidewalk with her foot on 4chan, also when the guy put his cat in a cage and lit it on fire. I really don't see why people are making such a big fucking deal about this, it happens every day all around the world and people do even worse shit.

Edit: to the people saying you're gonna kill him, how is that any better than what he did?
Dude you think people wouldn't want to get upset about those other things? They weren't put on to youtube and not as many people heard about them

and who said they were going to kill him? I didn't see anyone say that

EDIT: I didn't see the posts of that dude with the spongebob avatar talking about killing him....and yeah that is no better than what he did


New Member
I don't think it is the same. Killing an asshole who knows he's an asshole for being an asshole is different from attacking and torturing a cat who has no idea why this is happening.


Well-Known Member
I like animals but it's just a fucking cat, it pisses me off how everyone cares so much about this but no one gives a shit when they see a parent beating the fuck out of their kid in public


Well-Known Member
I like animals but it's just a fucking cat, it pisses me off how everyone cares so much about this but no one gives a shit when they see a parent beating the fuck out of their kid in public
who here has said they don't care about that shit? 1 person can only care about and talk about so much......someone started a thread about this specific topic and people are talking about it

theres already a thread called "one thing you hate most but can't always avoid" if you don't have a comment on the topic maybe you should try that thread


Well-Known Member
I like animals but it's just a fucking cat, it pisses me off how everyone cares so much about this but no one gives a shit when they see a parent beating the fuck out of their kid in public

Its the fact that the cat has no idea, cat protect itself, and is no match for the boy. It would be like me beating yo ass. lololol J/k.

And as far as parents beating kids, take tryingtomasterkush's idea.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm not saying no one cares about that, I'm just saying people are blowing this whole thing way out of proportions


Well-Known Member
It should be blown out of proportion. Maybe that will stop some other asshole kid from thinking its a good idea. The other things should be blown out of proportion as well they just aren't. and its not in anyone on this sites control what the media blows out of proportion.


Well-Known Member
I still don't see why no one gives a shit when a girl slams the heel of her shoe through a cat's eye and another girls smashes a cats head on the sidewalk with her foot on 4chan, also when the guy put his cat in a cage and lit it on fire. I really don't see why people are making such a big fucking deal about this, it happens every day all around the world and people do even worse shit.

Edit: to the people saying you're gonna kill him, how is that any better than what he did?
never heard about those things. i heard about this thing.

but it all bothers me the same...


he beats a cat up a little bit, cat survives, kid gets arrested..... whatever... this got way out of hand with the "im gonna kill him"; and the posting of all of his families personal information.... its a f'n cat... lets kill a kid:roll:

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