Kens GrandDaddy Purp seeds!

Grand Daddy Purp getting closer at 41 Days...

Holy Fuck she's a beauty, the resin rails are absolutely insane. :-D

Hovering, if you have not smoked GDP before you are in for a treat imo. The look of the flowers is quite stunning too. It stinks more than any pot I have grown or it seems that way.

Maybe the seals on the mason jars are shot, but I can smell this thru the jars.

Is it me or the resin has a purple tint? I see lavender bubble hash in your future, how kewl is that!
I just smoked a ill before going to bed last night for the first time, had to try it. Was a bit harsh, no cure yet, it took about 5 minutes to creep up and slap me and then I went night night.

Is exactly why I grew it, indica bedtime medicine.

Hovering, if you have not smoked GDP before you are in for a treat imo. The look of the flowers is quite stunning too. It stinks more than any pot I have grown or it seems that way.

Maybe the seals on the mason jars are shot, but I can smell this thru the jars.
So I'm opening the curing jar on the GDP everyday and wow does it smell nice! Is it bad that I just sit there with my face in the jar? :) I know in another day or 2 I'll have to stop opening it, but I'll enjoy doing so while I can. Btw, chopped all the Bay 11's will get pic's up shortly.
Here are the Bay 11 and Ken's Kush chopped. No kidding the Kush smells like lemon pledge, and I seemed to have gotten an alien Bay 11 pheno, weird l looking thing.

Bay 11
End bay 11.jpgEnd bay 11a.jpg

Ken's Kush. I definitely got a GDP pheno on this one and its really sticky.
End kush.jpgEnd kusha.jpg
Subbie, you look like you may have gotten a lil' close to the light, but overall, that BAY 11 looks like the foxtail'ed examples we had at our booth. I'm diggin the vases, nice touch. They snapped a pic of my girl and I (w/ the vases) and put us in the new HighTimes Medical issue covering the cup.
So your Kens Kush turned purple? That's cool, yet it smells like lemon pledge you say... like a typical OG then? Congrats, you did a wonderful job!
Ya I sure did get to close to the light, wasnt much I could do was afraid to bend it so I just let it go. Glad ya liked the vase, the thing was about to tip over those buds were about 15"s long.

Subbie, you look like you may have gotten a lil' close to the light, but overall, that BAY 11 looks like the foxtail'ed examples we had at our booth. I'm diggin the vases, nice touch. They snapped a pic of my girl and I (w/ the vases) and put us in the new HighTimes Medical issue covering the cup.
So your Kens Kush turned purple? That's cool, yet it smells like lemon pledge you say... like a typical OG then? Congrats, you did a wonderful job!
heres one,,i caused it to hermie jus a bit,trust me..smells like sour grapes ,def want couple more pacs.res still under lights .its heavy big plant ,may get around. 2 zips by guess.excuse te cat hair,lol....big heavy plant.




heres one,,i caused it to hermie jus a bit,trust me..smells like sour grapes ,def want couple more pacs.res still under lights .its heavy big plant ,may get around. 2 zips by guess.excuse te cat hair,lol....big heavy plant.




looks great!!!
thanx,heres the 12 hour hiding place for this one,we'll let it go to wenever,short heavy plant.teres another hid out to,lol,my garden is packed jus enuff room to keep these las 2 goin..
