Kens GrandDaddy Purp seeds!

So whats your point? I never asked You to apologize for anything, at best I insinuated you might have a little compassion on someone not as geographically blessed as you. But in my experience compassion is a real stretch for most elitist west coast kids who are too young to remember what life was like before you could get a card and go to a store and buy weed or clones or seeds. Your the one who apparently took offense at my post and decided to make an ass out of yourself.
Nope, no compassion. Not when all I'm hearing is excuses and bitching. You grew out half a pack of beans. Grow out the rest and if you have the same results, then bitch. Where I live does not matter as to where my gear comes from. Ya need some beans? No offense bro as I was not the one assuming... ;)
Fuck this, looks to me like Ken's genetics aren't what they are touted as. In fact after reading this whole thread I realize that the Rep doesn't even know what he's reping. Bogus. My review of Ken's GDP: do not buy.
Unsubbing. Might check back later and see if this thread gets back on track.

Best wishes all. It was fun.
If "on track" is kissing these people's collective ass over these over rated genetics then maybe you should create a private thread. But if this thread is to discuss Ken's GDP and problems with it and seeds that you bought then it is on track. I doubt that I'll get even one female from this pack of seeds, I'll let you know if I do or if I don't either way. I will publicize my final review of the strain and if people don't like it then fuck em.
Glad I came across this thread. I was just about to pick this strain up now for the 25% off sale at SOS. Think I'll go with CC Buddha Tahoe instead.
my second run from my keeper pheno,6 weeks in theyre done.very easy to grow,huge rock hard buds.neon purple.last grow i let go too long and it affected the flavor.i hope for a much better tase this go.i will post the outcome.good genetics for sure,talk shit if u want....
i did get 6-7 females out of 10 pk and they were the best striped seeds ive seen in years.and wrer up in afew days
try them''''''
Northwest rep i havent been on for a long time and promised to post pics, in due time. As of now out of 20 GDP beans i have a bout 11 females narrowed and they are the most vigorous healthly plants im testing!!!! (and this is out of about 100 beans i started) I am so suprised to get on here and see how this thread has gone...

If anybody is blaming the rep for female/male ratio your crazy!!!! If you got 5/5 males thats sucks, but its not his fault or the genetics.... Its all a part of growing, take the lows with the highs!! stop putting out bad vibes!!!!!
Fuck yer vibes I paid money for seeds and I expect to get females and if I do not there will be hell to pay mark my fucking words.
In my experience it is.

what were your conditions . . . . . and what conditions do you think had any effect on m/f ratio? do you even know that certain conditions can effect m/f ratios . . the plants are never 100% guaranteed to go either way, you only have heteroygist and homoziegist traits that express, if the breeder is fucking up here you wont be the only one here complaining . . . . . . i too have popped there beans and no issues . . .

Fuck yer vibes I paid money for seeds and I expect to get females and if I do not there will be hell to pay mark my fucking words.

number one most breeders will refund you a new pack . . . do some searching on the various forums and find any trend to male ratios beign hihg . . i doubt you will find it

and comments like that make most breeders and reps LOL all the way home . . as screaming and yelling, making threats, veiled or not, and throwing a fit will get no help or even consideration . . . if you cant respect them enough to ask to be refunded without you acting like some spoiled child. then more than likely you will get nothing and 1 unhappy customer in a 104 page thread of mostly good experiences means about notta . . and says a lot more about you then ken, or his breeding habits

you attract more flies with honey . . . .but some people are more worried about bitching then results
so explain them, if they are perfect, and how about tell us what conditions you think make for better female ratios

as i siad above, to many words huh, seeds are not guaranteed male or female then may have a genetic disposition but are still subject to conditions they are sprouted in

you are not above question especially if you are blaming the seeds and breeder!!

your i expect everything without explaining anything . . is a childish way to communicate frustration

condition s i know of that can effect m/f ratios one way or another

air temp
soil temp
light spectrum
hours of light cycle
stress/Nutrinets . . . .
medium saturation
and im sure im forgetting some

so please explain to us why you have perfect seed conditions for females . . and maybe we can save you from another all male tantrum
number one most breeders will refund you a new pack . . .
Yeah and how do they go about doing that would he send it to me direct? I doubt it. I think that's plain bullshit, they don't replace seeds, especially to people in not in MMJ states. Dude was never gonna replace shit so if I can get people to not buy their shit seeds great.
In my veg room, its a constant 75 degrees at the plant tops, under 100 watts/sqft 18/6 with 1200ppm CO2, . Start seedlings off at 350ppm GH flora series go up to 500ppm at 4th node, and 800ppm at the 8th node. They expressed by the tenth node, all male.

And if you look around on other forums and this one and even in this thread there is a very high ratio of males to female from Ken's gdp very few people have reported getting less than 70% males, and that the truth.
100 watts a square foot is way to many lumens to a seedling

75 at plant tops of a seedling is to hot, and as far as i know 350 is high for seedlings who get a very low PPM very couple weeks, and what i mean by this is for optimal seed conditions . . . ..

and what about soil temp, what is your humidity levels at, what spectrum are you using on your seedlings, and how old are they when you sex them? plants can take up to 2 months to express . . . never heard of the tenth node rule

these are all things to consider . .

i plant seeds in 18/6 like you, 70 degree rooms, with lower soil temp like 68-70, BLue spectrum, i cant control my humidity but it stays low, and i think high is better for first few weeks for female ratios, im 200 ppm for first three weeks or until they are big enough,

ive popped over 150 seed this year after next round wil be over 200, and i have gotten a good 60% female ration . .with one cycle in summer(when its hot) having had much more males then the next, that i did in early fall late summer,

it is worth thinking about and testing out vs pointing out your incident as fact for all seeds

and yes they will ship a pack to you directly or have a distributor do it as long as that is the agreement . . .but some ho wi feel they wouldnt be so easy if you talking shit

. . . thats how the business works . . they arent there to collect and then run away . . . .most breeders are in it for the long haul and while you cant make every one happy . .might as well make the ones happy you can . ..i think is most any breeders mentality
Dude there is nothing wrong with the way I'm growing, I cracked seeds from other strains right along side the gdp and their not all males. Say what you want but there are is a problem with these seeds having to many males. Don't matter to me I never thought I ws getting seeds replaced anyway so fuck it.

I mean where is "the rep" anyway? all he had to say to me was "luck of the draw"...whatever.
That sucks to pop 5/5 males especially for the price, but you did say one died(so much for your perfect conditions) and who knows it could have been a female. You also said you have 5 more. So don't act so sour like you popped your whole pack and got all males.

Shit if you want all females get feminized from a reputable breeder whose beans dont hermie. I understand his genetics aren't feminized, which is why I didn't get any cause I couldn't take a risk spending 100 dollars on regular seeds that could be all males, though I doubt they would all be male, but its not entirely impossible. If you want to take a gamble get regular, just don't complain that you got males. I'd be pissed too, but it wouldn't be directed at anyone aside from my own luck.

You have a 50/50 shot at getting heads flipping a coin, but I could flip it a million times and get tails every time. Shit happens. If you haven't figured that out in life you're either very young or very spoiled.