Ketamine first time


Active Member
what are your opinions on k? :?
After effects?:shock:
high duration/enjoyable? :spew:
just wondering about it, information would be greatly appreciated.:hug:

if it helps, i occasionally do shrooms, weed everyday past 3 years. :weed:


Well-Known Member
k is an awesome drug IMO. It goes especially well weith ecstasy. It lasts about 45 minutes. You fell like you are walking on clouds, and if you close your eyes you can see visuals.


Well-Known Member
If you do too much though you go into a khole, where your basically completely disassociated from you body. Its never happened to me though.


Active Member
If you do too much though you go into a khole, where your basically completely disassociated from you body. Its never happened to me though.
yeah i know about k holes, some buddies of mine do it, bump after bump like every 10 minutes. :o

Freddie Roach

Active Member
Ketamine is a horse tranquilizer, i hear its great but what fool found out about it being used as a recreational drug? Next some guys gonna say "hey look elephant tranquilizer, wonder what thats like?"


Active Member
fuck k.. shits a helluva drug lol.. shit i can get is straight from the vile, and like 50mg or so fucks me up... snorted around 125mg once and kholed bad.. i was in a computer chair slouched over in my knees, if i looked up everything was warping and sideways and rolling like slot machines, i could hear bubbly type noises in my head and thought i was going to die.. i finally came too around an hour later, but still felt the effects around 5 or so total hours..

buddy of mine shot it up in his foot once and told me everything instantly shifted sideways, lmao..


Well-Known Member
khole....shiver its literally like you become your mind.. you get tunnel vision, cant move a muscle in your body and you will drive yourself crazy trying to sit up straight lol

once did a fat line, thought it was coke.. bad idea


Well-Known Member
worst experience I ever had on/ around drugs was when I was with someone who took two pills of ecstacy... waited a couple hours, decided she didn't feel anything, so she popped a bump of k.

I'll tell you what, a k-hole is nothin' to fuck with. Shit was crazy for like 2 hours, and I mean crazy. I was thinking we were going to have to call an ambulance, and I'm not reactionary like that at all.

imo... k and ghb are two drugs you don't need to take. (not that you need the others)

If you do it, go real real slow.


Well-Known Member
Ketamine is a horse tranquilizer, i hear its great but what fool found out about it being used as a recreational drug? Next some guys gonna say "hey look elephant tranquilizer, wonder what thats like?"
actually its a cat tranquilizer. They used to use it on people during surgery, but people reported feeling strange and even having "out of body" experiences...and special k was born bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Special K fucking junk inmo, I knew people that loved that shit, I done more than I should lol,,,fucking passed out needed sniffing salt to come too, Yea it's a big cat Tranqulizer. Crap that's my opinion!


Well-Known Member
6 months ago, i was at a college football game and i was fucking around drinking a beer or three. My buddy was fucking with me and was chasing me and i slipped and caught my whole body on my right arm and it snapped right in two. :wall:

i walked 2 miles to help, and got rushed to the nearest hospital. they gave me 150mg injected, and i'm a 145 pound 6' guy. i am not lying when i say i had an out of body experience. :shock: But then i also slept from saturday night to tuesday afternoon... :sleep:



Well-Known Member
6 months ago, i was at a college football game and i was fucking around drinking a beer or three. My buddy was fucking with me and was chasing me and i slipped and caught my whole body on my right arm and it snapped right in two. :wall:

i walked 2 miles to help, and got rushed to the nearest hospital. they gave me 150mg injected, and i'm a 145 pound 6' guy. i am not lying when i say i had an out of body experience. :shock: But then i also slept from saturday night to tuesday afternoon... :sleep:
so youre saying a hospital gave you special K? I dont think they use it on people anymore. If not, I will request it the next time I break something :)


Well-Known Member
so youre saying a hospital gave you special K? I dont think they use it on people anymore. If not, I will request it the next time I break something :)
They also gave me a Percoset at the door. They used the K as anesthesia. about 6-7 doctors came in the room and a doctor announced what he was giving me, my name, at whatever time it was and to stand by.