Welll I don`t think its ever prescribed, only used when necessary. Its a white powder, its not a class 1 substance as it has medicinal use. Its a dissociative anaesthetic.

Its name is fucked around with because it has a reputation as a veterinary tranquiliser and people do too much of it at clubs and have bad experiences. I had it offered to me years ago and passed away on the offer looking at the bad name of the drug. Its really not like that, its something you should try one time off a nice source, e.g a good friend :)

Its pretty good stuff, snort a line lie down, forget about your body and enjoy some visuals. Ketamine visuals are highly realistic compared to say LSD.

Say do 30mg and your energetic, 60mg your borderline, 90mg you kinda want to sit down and too much you will end up losing balance :)

Take too much and you enter a Khole, you should look this stuff up on its better explained.

But its an anaesthetic that doesn`t interfere with breathing and was given to one of my friends who had a car crash and broke over 30 of his bones and lost pints of blood. Its also used on babies, patients, war field anaesthetic, cats, dogs, horses you name it :) It sounds pretty dangerous at first but its a very safe drug in my opinion :) I think it sounds intense but its quite an easy experience unless you chose a Khole which I`m yet to try :)

Its not an anaesthetic of choice in normal situations as it has a side effect, outer body experiences and hallucinations. This is precisely how it takes its place in the HS :D

The Khole is the best part of bumping Ket....sigh LOL.
yes you idiot

and everyone in the uk what are those prices!!!

with those prices 80+ how can you even take it!!! k tolerance is the worst

stanard price = £10 a gram

litre (50 grams) £300 if you're selling it

I hope you're calling me an idiot regarding the raves!

I've only ever done K that was cooked, but adding water to crystals, only to remove it seemed unnecessary to me. Also, I was under the impression that ketamine, in general could cause cysts to form in the bladder with repeated use. That is why I chose to research mxe, which claims to be less likely to cause any cysts of the bladder.
I hope you're calling me an idiot regarding the raves!

I've only ever done K that was cooked, but adding water to crystals, only to remove it seemed unnecessary to me. Also, I was under the impression that ketamine, in general could cause cysts to form in the bladder with repeated use. That is why I chose to research mxe, which claims to be less likely to cause any cysts of the bladder.


and puffer have you actually been to a proper party/rave? no you live in canada, thus not knowing what they're like, I feel sorry for some people hahaha have a nice life writting shit to freaks :)

when I get my half litre this week il upload and show you that my ketamine is of course the real deal haha who are you to say most of those things... jeeeesus the cheek!
Brother ... I run parties Here ...
I have grown UP enough to be able to fund them ... set them UP and run them ...
Also been to raves all over the world .... the type YOU can only dream of ... (really) .... I am talking 'green room' access .... full entry.
I get calls fro DJ friends when they come to the city !
Please park YOUR EGO SIR ! As I have nothing to prove to YOU.
Just sharing 'world experience' ... and ironing out disinformation .... as you PRESENT IT.

If I was to start posting my stock ... SomeONE might start investigating ...
I suggest you think about this and refrain from including pictures ... unless U need to prove things to YOURSELF and impressionable kids ...
Besides ... it would only look like water ... :)

Please for ONCE allow yourself to learn something.
We had this conversation before.
If YOU want ... I can send you a letter ...


haha im not trying to prove anything its just you said what I get is bunk? you obviousily havent been to any parties in the UK..... full entry? to parties? that doesnt make much sense bro sound like lame parties
the k-hole sucks but yeah not a bad drug when mixed with others, big line of coke witha small tip of K is very nice or copious amounts of mdma then small doses of K also nice, K on its own shite imo but thats just imo each to there own.
LOL brother ...
I have partied all over UK ... this includes club raves ... field raves in valleys ... (of all shapes and sizes)
From Dover to London to Edinburgh and Glasgow .... No Ireland as of YET ...
Where do you party ?
Trust me, I am quite seasoned ...

Not saying YOU get bunk ...
But I have been doing K for 20 years NOW ... so that's where this 'crazy speak' comes from ...
And if YOU let yourself realize ... this speak is not crazy at all.

Bandit ... I love to have YOU in my corner but realize ...
The PUFFer has a thorny BACK !
I love YOU in OUT Camp tho ...BUT YOU are IN the KNOW

LOL brother ...
I have partied all over UK ... this includes club raves ... field raves in valleys ...
From Dover to London to Edinburgh and Glasgow .... No Ireland tho as of YET ...
Where do you party ?Trust me, I am quite seasoned ...

Bandit ... I love to have YOU in my corner but realize ...
The PUFFer has a thorny BACK !
I love YOU in OUT Camp tho ...BUT YOU are IN the KNOW


so how come you've never come across the many many K fiends...

whats this letter you speak of anyway ha
so how come you've never come across the many many K fiends...
Please elaborate on this one ... I am not sure what you are asking ?
I have lots of friends that do K ... some of them are
Killer K Rabbits !


In terms of letters ....
U got to kill your EGO ... make ON TO My Friends List first ...
And I just might send YOU a Post Card !

Please elaborate on this one ... I am not sure what you are asking ?
I have lots of friends that do K ... some of them are
Killer K Rabbits !


In terms of letters ....
U got to kill your EGO ... make ON TO My Friends List first ...
And I just might send YOU a Post Card !


I try hard not to be a massive ego head raahh :)

as in K heads.. I havent been to a party in a long time where I havent seen groups upon groups sniffing ridiculous amounts of ket.. and its not like they hide away you would notice them haha
I try hard not to be a massive ego head raahh :)

as in K heads.. I havent been to a party in a long time where I havent seen groups upon groups sniffing ridiculous amounts of ket.. and its not like they hide away you would notice them haha

only thing ive agreed with, people don't hide their k use here haha! If you're at a party and someone's doing ket you'll know about it! (and not because of their perculiar walk haha)
only people ive seen at partys on ket alone have been huddled 2gether away from the party ina k-hole, poor mans drugs on its own.
Some highly contrasting views on ketamine in this thread! I once thought as K as a grimy person's drug. Mainly because the only people that I knew were grimy. I still say its the drug of choice for dirtbags, but that doesn't make all users, or even those who prefer it as their drug of choice a dirt bag.
Some highly contrasting views on ketamine in this thread! I once thought as K as a grimy person's drug. Mainly because the only people that I knew were grimy. I still say its the drug of choice for dirtbags, but that doesn't make all users, or even those who prefer it as their drug of choice a dirt bag.

i use to love mixing K with other drugs, but alone there no party on decent K on its own not unless you like partys where people carnt move lolol