

Well-Known Member
LSD must be the origin of the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious... Its sour but frooty, its zen, but zany, fucking take as much as you dare for your first trip... it will never be as good as the first time.

Nothing can prepare you for it... you never expect your own mind and senses to turn on you like that. Just program yourself that anything you see that freaks you out, only exists in your mind.


Well-Known Member
i think a few years ago i was paying 20 or so dollars a vial for ketamine in mexico. I would then put it in a pot pouri croc pot deal overnight and gently warm off all the liquid. They use a hairdrier on jack ass and a plate of glass.

I snorted like a hell of a lot one day and was the wildest little hole i ever been in. Half the fun is in dealing with it. Rofl.


Well-Known Member
Ag too many to make sense... but trust me it is most "fun" the first time... it can get pretty scary too... if you don't get scared that you took too much and that its never going to stop, then you took too little. The best part is always just as you break through the fear bit, which I suppose is a very internal thing... The bigger hiding you deserve, the bigger hiding it is going to give you.. it is a very fair drug. If your house is in order it will treat you like a god.

For your first trip, I suggest haveing it at someone's house... with a few friends... no going out, and noone, not on the trip, with you. Get some nice disney or other cartoons, I used to love aladin, but I think Wall-E would also be nice... watch the movie while the trip sets in, and then again immediatly. This should take care of the first 2 to 3 hours... by hour 4, you will likely feel a little crazy (in the men with white coats way). By hour 6 you are nerly fine again, but I would still hold off on driving for the day.or at least for 8 hours. Driving on acid is not like like driving drunk... tree trunks suddenly swell 3 times their widths, cevron signs get new meanings, and the stupid distracing fires burning everywhere in the corner of your eyes... makes everything look bright and christmasy... you WILL forget you are driving....

Buy alot of beer... you are basicaly imune to the alcohol to a lerge extent (well weed also), things taste and smell diffirent on acid... asif your nose gets much stronger... if you smoke you may suddenly not be able to stand the smell of the packet from a an arms length for example.. that sharp... Beer is quite drinkable... coke gets yucky quickly... Its also nice to have an assortment of sweets, you are going to look for stuff to CHEW, till your jaw hurts.

I took my first acid without knowing what it was, what it will do, or any guide... I had to figure it out on my own... man oh man oh man... I still have to forcefeed it to myself to take any...but I have a great fondness for this lower level teacher.

I think high quality LSD should be your first trip before trying salvias and all those higer level ones... they will not let you see shit until you are ready... LSD will show you that you are ready, there is only the option to take the next breath or die.


Well-Known Member
Well i must say that several of you posting seem rather quick to judge a chemical with which you have had little to no experience. In fact, I find myself rather irritated after reading this thread- even angry, but in a petulant and holier-than-thou way. So imma get over it because it is probably because I am very fond of K. Just to clear the air I pulled some information off the Ketamine Hydrochloride MSDS (that's material safety data sheet, EVERY chemical has one- just google that shit).

The LD50 is a number that means this dosage kills 50% of the time.
LD50 of K=447 mg/kg in rats and 617 mg/kg in mice. In a 150 lb human that works out to roughly 20+ grams, conservative estimate. And remember, that only kills HALF of the time.

K is very corrosive and will cause severe burns if you get it in your eyes. That is also why it burns like a motherfucker when snorted.

The half-life of K is approx. 2.5 hours. That means that in 2.5 hours half of whatever you (ingest/snort/shoot into a muscle) is already broken down by your body.

The half-life is greatly reduced if you shoot into a vein. Progression as follows...
inject, immediately lose consciousness, see the universe unfold, wake up. Total time elapsed to totally sober is half to one hour. Feels like an eternity :)

And for those of you who say, "I would NEVER (insert bullshit here)" I say to you...
Never say never.