Ketamine :)


Active Member
In the uk ketamine is used so much now some people fucking hate it, but some people really love it! Personally I love it...

what are the rest of you guys' views on ketaaamiiine.


guy looks like he's in a hole already :)

I used to love the stuff about 10yrs ago.... got 250mg from a friend recently and tried it again.... ended up in a k hole having a panic attack.... never again.


Active Member
20 years? Fairplay.. you had any ops yet lol? I know people who have had to have ops and onlybeen taking it 5 years or so..

Hows your body?


Active Member
guy looks like he's in a hole already :)

I used to love the stuff about 10yrs ago.... got 250mg from a friend recently and tried it again.... ended up in a k hole having a panic attack.... never again.
Yeah once you have no tolerance and start having good lines again its not very nice at all really, have you ever done nos on k? or in a hole? Its craaazy lasts for like 10 mintues just feels like your deeper in the hole... crazy visuals


Yeah once you have no tolerance and start having good lines again its not very nice at all really, have you ever done nos on k? or in a hole? Its craaazy lasts for like 10 mintues just feels like your deeper in the hole... crazy visuals
no, dont really mess with inhalants.... though I will hit the duster can when I clean the electronics just for shits n giggles..... back when i was doing k though, I was damn near always on shrooms or tabs already, so that may have had something to do with me liking it a bit more :)


Active Member
no, dont really mess with inhalants.... though I will hit the duster can when I clean the electronics just for shits n giggles..... back when i was doing k though, I was damn near always on shrooms or tabs already, so that may have had something to do with me liking it a bit more :)
yeah garanteeed it makes everything better haha :D

Anyone have any horror K stories?


Well-Known Member
Wish my mirror was line from corner to corner like that :lol:

I personally love ketamine. Its safe, relaxing, and deep enough to be entertaining. But I wonder what's the big hype about K in the UK?


Well-Known Member
Ketamine here is pricey in my opinion. 80 bucks a gram. But when you think about it. That's five big doses, so I guess its not that bad when you split the cost with a friend. How about your area mate?


Active Member
oh my gosh? 80 bucks a gram! Round the UK a gram is £10! around $15...

You can buy it in the litre for £300 = 50 grams


Active Member
Prices are rising to £20 now though and I thought that was steep haha. This has me amazed how expensive it is over there!


Well-Known Member
even 80 a gram isnt that bad here in the states. ive tryed to find sum before and just gave up cause it was just that hard to find. so u get like 5 good doses for a g? whats the duration and effects?


Active Member
Well, depending on your tolerance.. but when you start first taking K your lines would be well small in your first gram of K id say yitd last you like 8 lines, each line effecting around half an hour, its short lasting. Many many of my friends take it so much they end up doing gram lines just to get wrecked... Also ket is well bad for your body.


Well-Known Member
yea but whats not right. all good things should be done in moderation anyways i think. i think i would like it because i like the really deep and strange trips.


Active Member
Yeaah it is a very deep drug and if you take enough you will get mad visuals as well. But yeah its very bad for you :) Just keep it in moderation and all is good :)


Well-Known Member
Ketamine is not so bad for the body... you can do it daily and have no notiecable side effects. Just study the structure you'll find out. But 15USD for a gram, oh lickey splits that fucking cheap.