Key Points Of Harvest Time

Brick top and Wramms how r u guys? had a few questions well right now im in my last stages of flowering. 1st question can u just harvest the top half of my plant? the bottom seems as if it needs a little more time so can i harvest from top to middle? also how do u make a suitible drying box? by the way u have both came with some good insight

You can harvest the tops of plants if they are ready and then allow the lower portion to finish but I do not like doing it. Most times I have the bottom portion does not seem to grow much if any after removing the upper portion. The buds become very frosty and they will ripen but in my experience most if not all actual growth stopped. I know people say that it causes larger buds but that has not been my experience.

I have never been a drying box sort of guy so I am not the best one to ask but based on what friends have done who do use or did use drying boxes depending on their needs/yield some would do something as simple as taking a cardboard box and poking small holes in the upper parts and run fishing line back and forth and hang branches cut short enough to fit the box. A few small holes for air movement and it worked for them. I have also seen elaborate ones. One clown, and I say that with love in this case, used an old hope chest and ran temperature and humidity controlled air through it. I never cared for it since the ceder put off an odor, though he denied it, but he swore by it.

While you do want to meet certain requirements so you do not have problems, in the end it is something of a case of just how well you can design a better mousetrap.