Kicking MS to the curb

I like to put a handful of bud on top of some loose tea in my percolator. I add water and cream, sometimes just whole milk and a pat of butter sometimes cacao beans or chocolate too. Its my version of Bhang, and it will kick most pains' ass
Big congrats. It is vsugarand ard to give up everything so I cheat a little then pile on the good stuff. I have grown tired of most crunchy stuff, it seems to be mostly corn based and I do not eat corn. I do miss my Fritos though, salt and all. It is not going to be a life sentence for me, but I am going to get my body healthy again.
Yup , for the time being we have given up corn wheat grains gluten sugar and lactose and my wife is getting well after two years of hellish illness that no doctor could figure out
We are finding scd legal crunchy food at new seasons market , but yes much of the junk food that makes us sick has to go
Mrs. Stool and I have switched to a mostly plant-based diet, and both of us feel much better overall. But we aren't perfect...
Yesterday we went to a cookout and ate badly (burgers & hot dogs). Sure tasted good, but not worth it.
Burped those all day and went to bed with a belly ache -- after taking a handful of antacid tablets, which I hadn't done for a long time.
I'm not a fan of vegan diets, but going meatless really isn't that hard.
Day 5 and my head feels more clear than ever. My body has been mean to me though, so instead of giving in I spent 3 days working my ass off throwing out years of computer junk. When the fatigue becomes too much I go fill my face with good food. When the pain level goes up I smoke a big one then get right back at it. Now that the wd's seem to be gone I honestly would rather have pain and weakness from time to time than a cloudy head. In reflection, if I did the stuff I am doing now and was still taking the meds, I would be in pain anyway, the meds did not work that well and it seems most of my pain is only temporary.
Certainly not as well as our friend :weed:

Damn, it feels good to be free.
Day 5 and my head feels more clear than ever. My body has been mean to me though, so instead of giving in I spent 3 days working my ass off throwing out years of computer junk. When the fatigue becomes too much I go fill my face with good food. When the pain level goes up I smoke a big one then get right back at it. Now that the wd's seem to be gone I honestly would rather have pain and weakness from time to time than a cloudy head. In reflection, if I did the stuff I am doing now and was still taking the meds, I would be in pain anyway, the meds did not work that well and it seems most of my pain is only temporary.
Certainly not as well as our friend :weed:

Damn, it feels good to be free.
Right on Man,,, stay on the healing path,, my wife continues to get better , and my skin is like that of a 20 year old all of a sudden,, its a trip going super clean
Right on Man,,, stay on the healing path,, my wife continues to get better , and my skin is like that of a 20 year old all of a sudden,, its a trip going super clean

Thanks Tim. The docs cannot seem to figure out what causes these auto immune diseases, nor do they bring anything to the table towards a cure. At least we can eliminate symptoms with diet, instead of just masking them. I hope for the best for your wife.
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Update - 6 weeks later and it just keeps getting better. I feel like I am walking with a normal gait most of the time. My golf swing feels more like it used to. I can now throw a 40lb. bag of soil on my shoulder and carry it up a flight of stairs. Others report that I appear in better health and more energetic. I guess that curb is getting closer and closer, MS should start worrying I think. I feel chiro is an integral part of the equation.
Pull up a chair folks, this is going to be a good one, if you are interested. Where do I start?
MS=Microbial Syndrome, ie gut health.
Since I started working towards a ketogenic diet my health has improved immensely. I have wiped out most of my MS symptoms. Virtually no more pain, no spasticity, no ms hug, no chronic fatigue . My gait has improved so much that at times people have said it looks normal. I cannot completely recover due to the fact that I have cervical stenosis, which is most likely the cause of my lesions. It seems these white spots on the MRI are the go to for diagnosing MS.

From what I can find (anecdotal neurologist's opinions) one of the main causes for plaque on the brain is actually a pinched nerve. I never had optical neuritis nor numbing, except for what was caused by 4 of the vertebrae in my neck pushing on my spinal cord. That is where my journey started, but that neurologist bailed and sent me off to the MS Clinic. On the 2nd visit they fast tracked me with an MS diagnosis and try to get me on their DMD meds.

Since I could not fathom or accept that they do not know the cause and there is no cure. Here, take this band aid and you may feel better. So .. I began to dig deeper, relentlessly. Now I question that I even have MS and the neurologist was the one who got me thinking. It was always suggested that with each of my symptoms "it could be something else". Makes you wonder how they can prescribe medicine under all those uncertainties.

As far as I am concerned it is something else, leaky gut to be precise. All that anecdotal evidence cannot be wrong can it? Well I sure can see and feel the improvement in my health. I bought an industrial juicer that masticates and my wife and I are enjoying the concoctions we are putting together, very tasty. For sure we use kale every time and I do not understand why some people have an aversion to it, like Buckleys.

That is about it folks, getting better every day.
I lost almost 10 pounds last year when I was too tired and weak to do much. I put most of that back on and I hover around 140lbs. give or take. I am not totally keto but I eat a lots of meat, fat and greens. I am trying to avoid processed foods, gluten foods and rice.I do not mind giving up treats, but I cannot give up some things, like COFFEE.
Hi! My apologies up front as to not really knowing how to use this site very well, sorry. I know my reply is very dated but I REALLY hope you see it & respond.

I was branded as having MS as well. 5 in my family diagnosed with it, both maternal & paternal sides.

Anyway, can you suggest or tell me the name of your juicer please?

Regarding this part of your post though: "From what I can find (anecdotal neurologist's opinions) one of the main causes for plaque on the brain is actually a pinched nerve."
Were they possibly referring to CCSVI or Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency? Ala Dr Paolo Zamboni in Ferrara Italy? I'm aware of the protests & activism that went on in Canada seeking treatment for this. A Balloon Angioplasty, simple, safe, & you're kind of cured. Residual damage will take work & time to mitigate.

I was part of Dr. David Hubbard's clinical trial for it back in 2011. I'm RX & exacerbation free since my treatment! Both of my jugulars were stenosed, both over 80% with collateral veins evident. No shock that if you deprive an animal (us) of oxygen bad things will occur. So, imho, your former neurologist may have minimized the vein problems they knew existed? No doubt it's all about the $.

My desire for a great juicer is to incorporate that into my lifestyle next. :) Good luck on your journeys back to Wholeness & wellness!
From what I can find (anecdotal neurologist's opinions) one of the main causes for plaque on the brain is actually a pinched nerve."
Having had MS 15+ years this theory was found to be false. Liberation surgery to correct this was proven incorrect when peoples symptoms returned a few years and tens of thousands of dollars later. I was lined up to have it done and opted out at the eleventh hour. Some few saw success but sadly it was debunked as being the cause of MS

Im not trying to rain on anyones parade, I was given a lot of false hopes and experimental avenues to consider( chemo to wipe out the immune system in hopes it comes back unaffected, like hitting reset on it, another was a pill that had lots of promise but that killed people in europe during some trials.). Best advice I can suggest is to try eliminating the aweful crap, sugar being the major culprit, ibuprofen if you use it regularly for pain or spasms. It causes inflammation of the immune system with long term prolonged use. Try to decrease grains and increaing your proteins. Dont stress your immune system, i always had flare ups after a cold or flu because my immune system was so run down after those.

The sad reality is they don't know what causes what we have or how to get rid of it. We're the lucky few :bigjoint: Take it easy, a day at a time and keep the stress as low as possible.

Feel free to ask away, between zoic and myself I think we can cover most MS related cannabis questions.
Glad to hear you & Zoic are doing so well! Thankfully, I guess I was one of the "lucky gew" that am seeing incredible success with the Liberation treatment. I went on my own journey afterwards as we all seem to? My journey led me to become vegan. Seemed simple to me, if my veins & arteries were having problems, I needed to help them. There's a reason we don't dump bacon grease down the drain in the kitchen so why would I dump that stuff down my veins? So I stopped doing that. With cannabis being a vasodilator, it just makes sense there too!

Yeah, I'm aware of them getting Dr. Zamboni to walk his theory back but I'm more aware of how much $ was lost just by lil ole me being treated, never mind my 5 close friends whom all had great success with the same treatment. Sadly, my sister did not & re-stenosed.My journey in health continues & I'm doing great.

Do you juice? I only add leaves & flower to my smoothies right now, until I buy a kick ass juicer! BTW, even just doing that has given me great pain relief.

Thanks for all of the info you shared, it's much appreciated!

Can you suggest a juicer? Or anyone, please!!!!
Very interesting info. So to start, my juicer is an Omega, and it is a masticating juicer. We love it. Originally it was purchased to juice cannabis but I never did yet. It seems I would need a lot of fresh cannabis and I have been short on that for some time. More info on the juicer available if you want.

I stopped all Big Pharma and I only use cannabis now. No pain, no spasticity. Fatigue and drop foot are exacerbated by THC but CBD helps a lot. Me smoking 20 joints a day means no pain but some stagger and swagger are a certainty.
Thank You So very much!!! I was wondering if I broke a rule & no Brands were allowed to be mentioned, which I can understand, but as I only have suggestions from 2 friends so far, I'm just trying to accumulate the brand suggestions that others I trust have had good results with. So thank you again!

I'm so sorry you are short on fresh herb. I can say from my experience only that the lack of spasticity resulting from my cannabis smoothie is wonderful. Yeah, if I smoke too much, meaning getting stoned, my walking ability disappears. Getting stoned is long gone & I will only do it if I'm in my wheelchair & that hasn't happened since the summer of 2011. My life is all about wellness since that surgery & it's been great. You all share so much useful info here! What CalyxCrusher said about inflammation is so right on! I'm reading about it currently.

Thank you for sharing your responses to THC regarding pain & foot drop. A local Dr. that can rx MMJ here in Pennsylvania suggested reading "Cannabis for Chronic Pain" by Dr. Rav Ivker
In the book, Dr. Ivker asks if any will track certain things like Strain used, Form used, rate Symptoms & Pain & email the data to him. I began keeping a spreadsheet with desired info & it's a great log to self assess what works best for myself.

That's so wonderful about only using cannabis! I'm trying to learn to make it into different products so as to inundate my body with it in as many ways as possible. My topical from the parts usually composted or discarded is working great. I hope no one discards any of their plant material! It's ALL useful. I very much look forward to reading up on Endocannabinoid Deficiency next! Eventually I'll even choose a picture for my account & then figure out how to share pictures of my grow. Week 6 tomorrow & they are SO AMAZING!

Thanks again for all of your unflinching desire to help, it is greatly appreciated!
'm so sorry you are short on fresh herb. I can say from my experience only that the lack of spasticity resulting from my cannabis smoothie is wonderful

That is awesome info, more reason for me to try it. I attribute my lack of spasms mainly to taking magnesium, it has done wonder for both the wife and I. Chiro helped as well but you have to stop once the get into maintenance or it just becomes a waste of money

As far as strain, I find sativas work best and energize me. I am working with some CBD crosses and they seem to help. I make my edibles strong and I sleep fairly well when I take one after dinner.

You should check out, great information there