Kidney Stones


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever had any? I had my first one when I was 11 years old. That was my first and most painful one. My next one didn't come until I was 19. After that they came regular for a while. I think in all I have probably had somewhere around 50 and it SUCKS! Only about 15 or so of those have been painful. Other then that, half of them I don't even know I am having one until it pops out while I am pissing. Sometimes I can kind of tell when I am going to have one... like if I get a real bad headache and feal nausus, and no matter how much asprin or tylenol I take it wont go away... usually about a day or two after that I will have one.

So am I alone here or has anyone else had them?


Active Member
i had one when i was 15, it was the worst pain i have ever felt, like it made me puke it hurt so bad, and my family almost everyone has had one or more, my uncle had one the size of a golfball,

but your not alone, i know too that pain


Well-Known Member
WHOA! Im taking it they had to extract the golfball sized one? Once I thought they were going to do the ultrasonic bath thing for me but I ended up passing the stone. I have been prescribed medication for them before that was supposed to break and disolve them to where I wouldnt notice them or feel them but while I was taking the pills I had more in those 6 months then I ever did.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever had any? I had my first one when I was 11 years old. That was my first and most painful one. My next one didn't come until I was 19. After that they came regular for a while. I think in all I have probably had somewhere around 50 and it SUCKS! Only about 15 or so of those have been painful. Other then that, half of them I don't even know I am having one until it pops out while I am pissing. Sometimes I can kind of tell when I am going to have one... like if I get a real bad headache and feal nausus, and no matter how much asprin or tylenol I take it wont go away... usually about a day or two after that I will have one.

So am I alone here or has anyone else had them?
No, you're not alone. And you're calling them the wrong thing, they're KILLME stones. ;)

What kind of stones are you forming? If they are the most common type, calcium oxalate, you can control them well via your diet. Let me know, I can tell you a lot more.

Mine were caused by a tumor of the parathyroid, had it removed last year. The tumor was causing SEVERE hypercalcemia. That was actually better in some ways, because after the tumor was removed I crashed, HARD, ended up in the hospital. I thought I had bought my ticket.


Well-Known Member
No, you're not alone. And you're calling them the wrong thing, they're KILLME stones. ;)

What kind of stones are you forming? If they are the most common type, calcium oxalate, you can control them well via your diet. Let me know, I can tell you a lot more.

Mine were caused by a tumor of the parathyroid, had it removed last year. The tumor was causing SEVERE hypercalcemia. That was actually better in some ways, because after the tumor was removed I crashed, HARD, ended up in the hospital. I thought I had bought my ticket.

Calcium Oxalate. The diet they put me on when I was 19 sucked. I stayed on it for maybe a month. I have been eating a little differant/healthier lately but sometimes thats kind of hard since I travel alot and have to resort to fast food. I cant recall the name of the pills they put me on but I believe they were uricit or something like that. They were HUGE. Any info you can share would be good :)


Well-Known Member
One of my friends had his "destroyed" by Ultra sound.

Does that not work or am i thinking about something else?



Well-Known Member
One of my friends had his "destroyed" by Ultra sound.

Does that not work or am i thinking about something else?


You are right. Do you know what method? They were going to do some ultrasonic bath or something like that on me but never got that far because I passed it. I havent had a bad one to where I have to go to the doctor in a few years so I am not sure what they do these days

past times

Well-Known Member
how is your fluid intake? A good preventor of stones is high H20 intake. the stones are caused by build up of different salts/minerals. Many of these salts have poor solubility and want to precipitate (Solidify). if you are dehydrated, you have less fluids = more prone to precipitate (Solidify to these stones).



Well-Known Member
Calcium Oxalate. The diet they put me on when I was 19 sucked. I stayed on it for maybe a month. I have been eating a little differant/healthier lately but sometimes thats kind of hard since I travel alot and have to resort to fast food. I cant recall the name of the pills they put me on but I believe they were uricit or something like that. They were HUGE. Any info you can share would be good :)
As I suspected. So, you're aware of avoiding foods high in oxalic acid (there are a LOT, including coffee, eggplant, many types of legumes, asparagus.. the list is extensive). But! Did you know that the regular addition of FRESH citrus such as lemon, lime, or grapefruit helps your kidneys shed the calculi? Maybe "shed" isn't the right term, but essentially what you would be doing is acidifying your urine, which does help break down the calculi. Needs to be fresh, I can't remember why, but I'll see if I can find the listserv newsletter my mother sent me on it (she's an R.D.). The more you can take, the better.

And, of course, the ubiquitous water scenario, as mentioned above, but with the addition of just a small amount of citrus juice can be so much more effective. I was lucky in that mine had a direct cause with effect, remove the cause and we removed (most of) the effect. My kidneys were still chock full of calculi last September, but I should not be forming anymore new stones.

I had a huge list, again sent to me by my mom, of foods and their typical oxalate levels, but I don't know if I've filed it (online, email) or what.


Well-Known Member
In the ages of about 21 - 25 I didnt drink as much water as I do now. I had a list of all the foods but like I said that was YEARS ago. Im sure I could google it and find a list of foods to avoid. If you happen to find that info your mom sent you, feel free to pass it on :)


Active Member
yeah, they had to do surgery and get some of it out, and break up the rest so it would be easier to pass, mine were from calcium too


Well-Known Member
One of my friends had his "destroyed" by Ultra sound.

Does that not work or am i thinking about something else?

I know what you're talkign about, my grandpa had to have that done once. kidney stones run in the family. as well as not living past 63. but yeah,my dad ahas had a few run-ins with kidney stones, and it really does look like is sucks ALOT. we had to leave the movies once because it was bothering him so bad. I'll most likely be getting a kidney stone some point in my life, and I'm really not looking forward to that day either.


Well-Known Member
Alright, FYI for the men-folk here. I have given birth, twice, and I have had kidney stones. Kidney stones ARE the closest thing to childbirth, in terms of sheer pain, that I have ever experienced. :D


Well-Known Member
Alright, FYI for the men-folk here. I have given birth, twice, and I have had kidney stones. Kidney stones ARE the closest thing to childbirth, in terms of sheer pain, that I have ever experienced. :D

Thats what I have heard. The only way I know how to explain the pain to people is that it feels like you are getting stabbed in the lower side of your back and everytime you try to move it feels like they are twisting the knife.


Well-Known Member
Well, those crystals ARE pretty much tiny little razors shredding the ureter and urethra. :D My doc threatened me with losing a kidney to convince me to have the tumor removed. Crashing was pretty bad, though, but at least it's over and I can eat and drink whatever I like.

Oh, the thing Arrid's talking about, that's an ultrasonic bath. My dad is a retired radiologist, and what he tells me is that those baths are PAINFUL, to your entire body, so they have to sedate you. My doc told me that if they have to do something like that then they sometimes prefer to just perform a traditional surgery.

Remember, acidulate your water. :D


Well-Known Member
that's an ultrasonic bath. My dad is a retired radiologist, and what he tells me is that those baths are PAINFUL, to your entire body, so they have to sedate you. My doc told me that if they have to do something like that then they sometimes prefer to just perform a traditional surgery.

Sure am glad I passed my stone before they got to that option. I heard it was painful but I was thinking well it cant be any worse then I feel right now .... haha I could have been really wrong.