♪ ♫ "Kill the Wabbit! Kill the Wabbit!! .." ♪ ♫


Well-Known Member
Tentatively attempted dropping a few spare clones in the soil. Within a day, I found I had a new adversary in the outdoor grow venue.
Little, wild, Wabbits!
So I learnt, cannabis seems to be pure 'Crack' ..to rabbits.
They eat that stuff until all thats left, is about half an inch of stem poking out the soil!
Thankfully, I always have an indoor grow going. And this outdoor grow was planned to be very 'hands off' anyways.

But still ...
"Just wait 'till I get my hands on that waascawwy wabbit!"

Unless, they get me first that is!
1 rabbit.gif
"Run Away! RUN AWAY!!!"
It's not just rabbits that eat weed... squirrels, mice, birds, lizards... lots of things eat seedlings. I've lost dozens, if not hundreds, to them critters. Buy some fine mesh wire fence to enclose the seedlings in, maybe even putting some overhead, to create a temporary cage. Once the plants get bigger, you should be fine. At that point, even if they nibble at them, it shouldn't kill the plant. The ones that are nubs now probably will never recover though.
Liquid Fence the first few weeks will keep the critters away from seedlings
When they are larger the smell around the area is enough to keep them away
I basically buy one bottle for the sprayer
Then an spoiled egg and hot sauce with water works just as good

I was thinking of attacking via Ghost Pepper's dissolved in a bit of alcohol. Then, add some water and spray down the seedlings.

Fencing sounds good too, I might just get a few empty 3-5 litre plastic bottles. Cut the top and base off and place them over any future seedlings.

Thanks for the tips!

If all else fails, to quote Elmer Fudd:
♪ ♫ "I will do it with my spear and magic helmet!" ♪ ♫
I was thinking of attacking via Ghost Pepper's dissolved in a bit of alcohol. Then, add some water and spray down the seedlings.

Fencing sounds good too, I might just get a few empty 3-5 litre plastic bottles. Cut the top and base off and place them over any future seedlings.

Thanks for the tips!

If all else fails, to quote Elmer Fudd:
♪ ♫ "I will do it with my spear and magic helmet!" ♪ ♫
Add a rotten egg the foul smell reminds them they don't like it
I wouldn't spray alcohol on plants
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just use it to lure them all into a cage lol

"Follow, only if you be men of valor!
For the entrance to this cave is guarded by creatures so foul, so cruel ..that no man yet has fought with them and lived! 
Bones of a full 50 men, lie strewn about their lair.
So brave knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further! 
For death awaits you all ..with nasty big pointy teeth"

** "But, but, they're just Rabbits .." **

"Those are no ordinary rabbits. Those are the most foul, cruel, and bad tempered rodents you ever set eyes on!”
Tim, the Enchanter