♪ ♫ "Kill the Wabbit! Kill the Wabbit!! .." ♪ ♫

Blue jays are my nemesis when it comes to my cherries. They clean a tree in a day usually about a week from ripe too>:(. Tried net didnt help believe it or not. Just gotta deal with it until trees produce big enough for us both
Ya I haven’t had that issue but know it can happen. If your gonna put them out that small or even start them outside a makeshift cage over them could help
I had covered them with half plastic bottles and they manage to uncovered them. jesus !!
Hmmm tough spot. How about burying the bottles better? Say instead of half bottles , cut bottoms off and bury half?
I would think the roots would hit sides and continue down. Simply lift the bottle out. It doesn’t have to be 2 ft tall before the birds are a non issue
I will tell you how. Took year's of my kinda growing. Get a rubber snake and put by your plant .And i fence them The rabbit's will not go near them .Or bird's 3ft rubber snake's do the best.Just put by the plant.Does not matter what kink of snake you use. Just not 1 ft long one's.. Never lost a plant too rabbit's since.. Dixie
All mine are Dead bam ..Well Troll. I see you did not have a cure for his problem.I know mine work's.For the past 30yrs or so.No RABBIT'S eating mine..