Killing a tree


Well-Known Member
Anybody know how people do that out in guerrilla grows like dip a axe in some poison and slash the bottom of the tree to kill the top branches and stuff.

Is is on my own land so please don't get all pissy saying I'm hurting the national forest, I just need to get more light into my spot and it is covered by a tree that I already cut the lower and middle stuff off I just can't get the very top.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
It's easy, though sometimes it takes a couple of months to see the results. You do have to worry about any branches that will eventually break off and come crashing down so I wouldn't plant under it, or leave my dog there.

So you can take the axe make about three cuts into the tree spaced around the trunk. Then pour some straight round up or other poison into the cuts. It will work its way in and the tree will die.

The other way I've done it is to make a band around the tree by scraping off all the bark in about a 4 inch width around the tree. You can spray poison on it or leave it. Poison would probably work faster, but I didn't bother. Also took a couple of months.

This was helpful as I couldn't cut down the trees without it falling on houses or power lines or rock walls etc. You'll look up one day and notice most of the leaves are gone, then they all are. Remember though, some of the heavier branches will break off at random times,


Well-Known Member
Anybody know how people do that out in guerrilla grows like dip a axe in some poison and slash the bottom of the tree to kill the top branches and stuff.

Is is on my own land so please don't get all pissy saying I'm hurting the national forest, I just need to get more light into my spot and it is covered by a tree that I already cut the lower and middle stuff off I just can't get the very top.

Any ideas?
Kill a Tree with Copper Nails?

Copper nails hammered in a ring 1/2 inch apart are known to kill a tree. The copper damages cell growth in the tree and makes it die. They do this for unwanted trees only.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys yeah I wanted to get planting under it again in a couple weeks so thanks for letting me know branches will start falling haha

And I would do the chainsaw but it's just loud as he'll and in a weird spot I don't want all the neibors to be like what the hell is that kid clearing back there for and get suspicious then see me hauling soil and shit in next month ha