kilo for free


Well-Known Member
heat your bestine (carefully as it is volatile).
Disolve DMT into the hot bestine. All the non DMT crud should stay in the bottom of the glass, now our over into another shotglass cover it and make a few small holes in the cover to allow slow evaporation... now the slower and more gradualy you can cool this heptane down the better as it prevents imurities from getting captured into the crystal structure. Also keeping the mix as still as posible is good. You shoule start seeing big glass shard crystals growing in no time, if you have a large xtal of freebase somewhere, you can try to add it to the glass as a seed.


Well-Known Member
you mean put the shot glass on a heat pad then let it cool down on the pad. then stick it in the fridge?

also do i need to let it evap till it turns milky when u blow on it?


Well-Known Member
Basicaly add heptane until the disolved DMT/heptane mix is no longer cloudy first, then leave your solution at room temperature somewhere it’s unlikely to be disturbed for a few days. Whether or not you evap shouldn’t matter too much, but allowing evaporation will speed things up a bit.


Well-Known Member
I believe, and please correct me if I'm wrond, but DMT is also found in the venom of a Buffo (Cane) Toad. Once these toads start to get bigger they start to grow venom glands on they're hind legs and on the back of they're neck. And if you take the toad and massage the venom gladns on the hind legs and the neck you can squees them out onto a mirror, or glass or something and wait for it to dry and then scrape it up and put it on top of a bowl of some nugget. I think it's the same sort of thing, your just getting it a different way. I dunno, it's been a while since I had that toad. But at that time I did a LOT of research on it and found out all I could about the tripping toad! lol, never heard of getting DMT the way you guys are, but that's cool! Nice thread!

EDIT: Ok, actually I guess it's 5-MeO-DMT that's found in the Cane Toad. Not sure if it's the same thing or not.


Well-Known Member
That is correct, it is not the same thing, and they have nothing in common fx wise either.
Oh ok, thanks for the info! My fuck up! haha

Just out of curiosity, and if you don't MIND me asking: Have you done both? And which would YOU personally prefer?

Thanks for all the info otherwise!


Well-Known Member
ok, i dissolved the chunk in a shot glass of heptane in a heat bath.

all the heptane turned yellow and there was a bunch of brown gunk on the bottom of the glass. i took off all the liquid and put it into another shot glass.

its about half full. i covered with plastic wrap and poked 4 tiny holes in it.

now its sitting in my closet.

was that right and what comes next?


Well-Known Member
ok, i dissolved the chunk in a shot glass of heptane in a heat bath.

all the heptane turned yellow and there was a bunch of brown gunk on the bottom of the glass. i took off all the liquid and put it into another shot glass.

its about half full. i covered with plastic wrap and poked 4 tiny holes in it.

now its sitting in my closet.

was that right and what comes next?
Awesome you are doing fine... now just leave it... for a few days.

I don't think you will rid of the yellow without running the heptane through activated carbon, but its still gonna be a shitload cleaner than those balls you had there...
The gunk left behind is mostly jungle spice (yuremamine, it is very active but dark in nature, you can make your own mix afterwards if you want some jungle goop in there...), and other oils and junk...


Well-Known Member
You should see a reasonable crystal by tommorrow allready, but I'd let it sit till it doesn't seem to grow anymore first. The fridge part is realy optional with heptane.