Kind of a big deal


Active Member
Two probelms I'm having is the droopy plant, my 2nd one. The first one I came home and it was completely drooped and soggy, laying on itself. I figure it's from overwatering.

Problem two is the yellow spots, leaf curling, is discoloration. I just put one drop of my plant food concentrate at the base of the plant twice a week, but I figure that's what could be screwing my plants up on that aspect. Any thoughts or ideas? I need these plants to survive!



Well-Known Member
You should probably be putting the food concentrate into water to dilute and then feed that water to your plants. I have never heard of anyone putting just the drops in there soil.

Tom :joint::peace:


Active Member
I agree with Tom on this one, also those plants need much bigger pots. And twice a week is to often to add nutrients.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't sure if the pots they were in looked small. I thought it might have been how the picture was taken. Now that someone else noticed i agree 100% get bigger pots.

Tom :joint::peace:


Active Member
ok why does he need bigger pots? roots only get larger out of need for food and water.. If they are getting feed and water properly then your pots are fine. a happy plant can live its life in a 2 liter coke bottle with just the top cut off. the last plant looks to have a blueish tint, could be my computer but if its not it could be a P def. the first pic does look over watered, the second pic looks hungry, the last pic looks like P def. but i could be way off need more details.

what type of soil?
what type of nutes?
whats your ph?
how often you water?


Well-Known Member
No, if you are feeding them properly then the roots will continue to grow. If you keep them in a small container the roots will eventually need a bigger environment to grow in in order to keep from getting root lock. They won't be able to absorb nutrients properly if they have root lock.


Active Member
I agree with Rev3la7ion but hey pics can be deceiving they looked kind of small to me so it is possible I could be wrong, 8.5" should be plenty of space depending on how deep they are. But I will say this a larger pot needs to be watered less often & allows the roots to develope better.


Well-Known Member
Also, listen to tom__420's advice about feeding your plants. Another thing we should probably know is the height of your plants. Mine were at about a foot and a couple inches and I had to transplant them into bigger containers. I had those same pots too. They'll become root bound quick if you're feeding them properly. At least you know they're growing or at least trying to grow.


Well-Known Member
the pots are fine, I have the exact same ones from wal-mart. they're pretty big..well not that big, I just upgraded mine to 12" pots. but the ones U have are large enough to finish flowering in.

from the spots it looks to me like the plants dont like ur soil mix nor do they like ur nutes. and ur ph is off.

that first pic looks like the plant is over watered, or oxygen depleted, but a lot of plants respond that way to lighting as well. so my advice at the moment would be to let the soil dry out and see if it gets any better.

edit:oh and you may want to think about flushing soon