kinda funny story..


New Member
like 4 monthes ago my mother bought some seeds...she didnt knew what she was buying,she just wanted to buy seeds,no matter what the planet is,just to grow it for fun..but i think she accidently had bought some cannabis
and it looks like it. but im not sure. can u tell me what the smell of marijuana? and how it looks? coz iv seen many different pictures. that planes has like 5 leaves on thier stems and there are stems with 3 leaves.
sorry if i had a wrong english and thankes for the helpers.
the pics:


bud bootlegger
hmm. the smell of marijuana can be kind of hard to describe.. it can be any where from skunky, to earthy and musky or fruity or etc.. it all depends on what strain the plant is..
why don't you get a few pix of your moms plant and put them up here and we will surely let you know if it's marijuana or something else..


New Member
i think it would be kinda strange if i walk into my parents room (they r sleeping) and start smelling the


Well-Known Member
Nobody accidentally buys cannabis seeds. I think she knows what she has.
You can see several pics of plants on here, I'm sure you can tell by looking at it.


Well-Known Member
Wait are you saying there is a marijuana planet? Absolutely post pics if your mom accidentally bought seeds and grew a marijuana planet that is definitely worth posting pics. You say there are five leaves and a stem? Sounds about right. Also rub the leaves and smell them if it smells funny, then it's pot. If it smells like grass then your growing poppies which are used in heroin. If it smells like something else your mom is more then likely growing a crack tree.


My guess is its a crack tree from the sound of it. It could be a money tree which would be sweet, but certainly not as sweet as growing a Marijuana planet.


New Member
Let your mom finish it out and dont mess with it lol. It looks like she knows what she is doing a lot better than you do.
i already wrote that-my mom dont know that this is cannabis..and if she would know..ehmm..the planet will be thrown in like 3 secondes..