King Kush, 13 days after sprout

13 days since I saw the plant come out of the rockwool. This is what it looks like. I out a drip regulator next to it and some toothpics to give you perspective on the size.

Is it behind schedual? My buddy I got the seeds from said that it should be way bigger then that by now. He said his were 9" tall by 13days. I have 5 of them. I just chose the one to take pictures of because they are all roughly the same size.



Well-Known Member
Your plants are stretching too much,lower you light, what kind of light are you using and have to keep it as close as possible.
Alright, I've now moved the light within 5 inches of the plant. Should I get even closer yet? Maybe more light? I bought a bunch of CFLs I will wire up some boxes with some regular lampholders later today and put all those in as well. You think that will help with stretching?

Also, noticed there there is a small spot on the stem that is smaller then the rest of the plant. Did this happen because it tipped over? It roughly 2/3rds the diameter of the rest of the stem. This small part is less then a 1/8th of an inch long.

Will try and add a picture later. Camera is not working again.



Well-Known Member
I've been very impressed with Kings Kush. Very strong plant. Supercrops really well. Even almost broke off the main cola but zip tied it back together for a while and the stem healed and got as thick as a thumb. Grew into a nice bush with an even canopy. I just did lst and supercrop but topping would be good with kings kush to make that bushy plant.