Kitten attacked my plant .. FFFF


Active Member
View attachment 2723336

So.. Yeah. I came home and my kitten had basically fucked my plants. They all look sad as fuck now. I had to pull one of them cause it was done for, 3 left.

What I really want to know is will these plants grow and be fine or are they fucked ? I must add, its hard to see but theres holes in the leaves and stuff.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2723336

So.. Yeah. I came home and my kitten had basically fucked my plants. They all look sad as fuck now. I had to pull one of them cause it was done for, 3 left.

What I really want to know is will these plants grow and be fine or are they fucked ? I must add, its hard to see but theres holes in the leaves and stuff.
Gonna be a interesting Cross.........
hopefully it will take on more of the M/J trait.
They should be fine,probly show some signs of stress,from the uprooting.


Active Member
So they'll basically stunt for a week or so and then carry on? Im guessing they'll get to a stage of development where those early leaves are no longer useful anyway? Im hoping this is the case, I heard any stress changes how they are overall but idk.


Well-Known Member
So they'll basically stunt for a week or so and then carry on? Im guessing they'll get to a stage of development where those early leaves are no longer useful anyway? Im hoping this is the case, I heard any stress changes how they are overall but idk.
Yea,if they make it a week there should not be that much of a issue.


Active Member
Thanks mate, the smaller one that got its leaves damaged seems to be going slower but the other two are business as usual


Active Member
The planties look pretty good. I'd worry if they start bitching you out when you open the door to feed them. That's what my little brat-cat does. LMAO
The cat, however, needs you to plant some cat grass for it to munch on. All that green was just too tempting. And a cat MUST eat grass!


The planties look pretty good. I'd worry if they start bitching you out when you open the door to feed them. That's what my little brat-cat does. LMAO
The cat, however, needs you to plant some cat grass for it to munch on. All that green was just too tempting. And a cat MUST eat grass!

It's okay the plant will grow. It might grow more THC because it was attacked. THC is the plant's self-defense line against aggressors. I will hire my cats when it is pretty well grown and have them fun with them. :)


if my cat gets into the grow she'll start eating the leaves she LOVES the leaves she's killed a couple of seedlings i had in a window too just got to keep an eye on the pussy


Active Member
ahahha, yep they've eaten 3 so far, theyre spose to be amazing seeds aswell, 3 left so we'll have to make clones from that when it comes to it