Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

wow...awesome kick ass update..loved the "hello kitty mask" hehe....Congrats on your first harvest in the new digs.
Congrats thats an amazing perpetual system you've got going. you've got your work cut out for yourself trimming, thats for sure;)
wow!! crazy update!! Things are really blowin up over there! congrats!

also, I use those same scissors for harvesting. they work great!!! gotta have that spring action
great harvest. +rep
Awesome man. Very nice. Wish I could go big like you guys. How do you make your pics big in the post? Mine are always small like at the end of your post.
I can never tell the difference with strains. I smoke too much where I dont recognize the subtleties of different strains highs. Everyone else is the experts on what they like, and then they are subjective towards what they like. Its just weed, gets ya high. :)

well, gladly i will try a bit of eveything and let you know. kudos kitty <3
Awesome man. Very nice. Wish I could go big like you guys. How do you make your pics big in the post? Mine are always small like at the end of your post.

Dont use the enhanced image uploader, use the basic one. Then you right click each image after uploading and put tags around it, then inside the post.

well, gladly i will try a bit of eveything and let you know. kudos kitty <3

:) :) Knottehbetseh is my sister. Real life sister. Thanks for checking out the pictures ;)
Dont use the enhanced image uploader, use the basic one. Then you right click each image after uploading and put tags around it, then inside the post.

:) :) Knottehbetseh is my sister. Real life sister. Thanks for checking out the pictures ;)

yes, i am BLESSED to have you as a sister :) i promise every strain that i try i will give a review here :)
Hey Kitty! I love your thread. Im still only on page 29 and its a better read than most books...;)

Anyway I just wanted to tell you (and if someone has said this already in the next 9 pages...sorry) but I can save you 2 trips to fill up your humidifier with a little simple DIY. Im not sure the size and shape of your resevoir, but you have to be able to modify it and mount a floating valve like in your toilet. When the valve drops below a certain line your water intake fills it back to the to the off forth..forever. Anyway..just planting seeds (pun very much intended) and maybe contributing to this epic grow journal. I am in awe of you and your hubby. U guys rock.

Im hating that Ill soon be at the most recent post and have to wait to read more...

Thanks!!! :D
The humboldts are strong, i went over the ml/gal chart recommended , I thought the ppm levels were too low,,,, plants couldnt handle it,, I ran a P deficiency... Im back on track now... I called cust service also... they did well... but I didnt even get a sticker! dammit!
+rep :) :) Hello Kitty merchandise is excellent! Not too many pipe makers do it on a large scale because its not a "licensed" product from Sanrino or whoever it is that owns the rights. I'm glad to see some out there =) =) Smoke it up!

Ive actually been to the Sanrio Puro Land (like Disney Land for Kitty). Its in Tama Center which is near Kawasaki. Really cool place, but Im a much bigger fan of Miyazaki than Sanrio.
Miyazaki is the shit. They don't have a land for his work yet, do they?

They have one of the most amazing museums I have ever seen. It is called the Ghibli Museum and it is in Kichijoji, Tokyo. It was insane, man I was so high I could have stayed there for days. I absolutely LOVE Nausicaa: Vally of the Wind, and it is also my wives` favorite. (sorry for the thread drift Kitty, I finally got to the end of your thread. You are fucking amazing).

wow, i cant believe ive missed this, i guess homework and growing has been taking its toll. i recently have started charting my wet/dry weights, and it appears that i lose approximately 72-77% weight. very nice job, my girl is very adequate with hydroponics and trimming now lol. she actually loves to trim, i told her that will change when we are running 15+ lights.

edited to add:
i<3dogs btw. my st. bernard black lab mix had just passed the week before christmas. it was pretty tough on the family, especially my little 11 year old brother. my parents bought her when he was born so they pretty much grew up together. after we buy our house later this year we will be buying a couple puppies. i think im going to opt for a miniature bulldog, although im partial to american bull terriers or st bernards. it will be nice to get some company while im working in the grow. your dogs are beautiful by they way!
FINAL first harvest weight: 2lbz 11oz. That's the weight after everything is trimmed, manicured, dryed and packaged. For 4000w of lights, and plants of extremely different sizes (some 4' tall some 10" tall) I'm moderately happy with those results. The real test will be on the next harvest (21st of February) with 3000w lights of even canopy with no stressed, moved, or problematic plants. Then I hope the weight from the 2nd harvest eventually increases as time goes on from dialing in everything a little better too.
I'm curious as to why start so big and then dial it in. I understand this is commercial grow and youre going to make the money back. But at .26 gram per watt, it seems to be on a very low end as far as efficiency goes. What plans if any do you have to dial your system in? Damn that's going to be exciting to see it develop and increase the yields. Keep it rockin kitty