I did have two digital ballasts, they are grey in color and were from eBay a few years ago. Both have retired, into the "oh shit I started to smoke so i got thrown in the trash". The digitals would create interference with our Tri-Meter too, which is no good, since if you cant get accurate pH and ppm then why have a meter for them, right?

While I'm sure that better digital ballasts would have a lesser chance of interfering with other electronics, it was also creating line noise on our Internet Cable modem. No good!
Today is day 45 of flowering the endless skys.... Took pictures of them yesterday and will have them up shortly tonight. I picked the ballast based on the cheapest possible self contained switchable ballast. The C.A.P. ValueLines arent bad ballasts, they do run hot, and they need locking nuts on the bottom instead of the regular ones but beyond that they work great.
Endless Sky...... So what do I have to say thats useful.... Its a fast flowerer, thats for sure. It is most certainly not 42-45 days, as it isnt done yet. It looks like it needs another week. I'm guessing day 52-55. Nutrient levels are around 1200ppm for the closest-to-harvest plants and 900ppm when they start. Its certainly a nutrient saver, that's for sure. The plants grow nice and short, and are very sticky, smells like lemon mr clean. Greenthumb, the seed maker, has updated his site to say Endless Sky is now a 42-52 day flowering strain instead of 42-45. I'll likely call and complain since even though I'm happy with the strain, we paid a $200 premium for these seeds to be an expedited flowerer and it isnt. The other strains we have getting ready to be mommies (Snow White/Nirvana, Bubblelicious/Nirvana and a few more) are 56 day flowerers, so it'll all come down to a little variety and keeping the best genetics we can.
Having mothers and cloning has helped *substantially*. Reducing the pots from 16 plants per light to 12 plants per light also gave the plants much needed breathing space. They didnt need quite that much with grapefruit diesel but that strain is such a piece of shit indoors, yet a stellar outdoor strain. I'm glad to have it gone and still have a couple seeds somewhere to try outdoor grow next spring with just for shits and grins. Never tried outdoor growing before, we want to keep around 5 to 20 plants give or take havent really decided quite yet.
That's about it from the soapbox tonight.......