kitty's flower garden part 2


Well-Known Member
well i used to use flicr but the net ova here is so danm slow i just image shack stuff now or just use the unloader :)


Moderatrix of Journals
i filled it with fragrant herbs and flowers... i've had visitors show up and be like "you're having a vape? i couldn't smell you over the flowers...." [<--perfect :lol: ]


Moderatrix of Journals
great pics, never seen a white spider like that, and what a wild moment caught on camera.
it took me a few double takes to figure out what was going on. i thought it was a molting spider so i went to grab the part i thought was the shed skin, imagine my surprise when it reared up at me! :lol:
it's one of the few times i've thought to grab the camera and my cool subject was still there......


Well-Known Member
Gorgeous! I have never seen a calla lily that color - it is absolutely stunning! As for that spider, cool, scary, but cooool. lol


Moderatrix of Journals
yeah, it was a random gift from my "fellow gardening dork" friend.
i don't know which i appreciated more, the fact that she got me an "out of the blue" flower, or the fact that *that* was the flower that made her think of me.


Moderatrix of Journals
lol, our men were friends to start, but now i'd say we (the women) are closer.....

we were SO stoked to find out we were both botanidorks; it's nice not to be the only one *freaking* out about some obscure wildflower on the side of the road :lol:


Well-Known Member
well i have to get in this, :) i think some guys are closer yo its just when we hate each other we take it out physically or act hard headed, when girls don't like each other the fake smiling and plotting begins.. this is why am scared of the opposite sex , there for when i kno am in hot watter with one i al always very aware of my surroundings.. cuz you just never know whats coming ... :)


Moderatrix of Journals
that's awesome muggie, i think you hit it on the head!
i think guy friends have a waaaaaaay different kind of friendship than women friends do. when our men argue, they call each other names, tell each other what idiots they are, etc., and then it all blows over once the issue is cleared up.
if i were to call one of my gf's a "fucking tool" it would definitely be the start of some sort of WAR :lol:


Well-Known Member
hehe i grew up with women , your physics are known to me :shock: but this makes my relation ships worse not better :(


Moderatrix of Journals
the last oriental lily to open...
this one is "time zone". it's not as impressive as i'd expected it to be, but it has a nicer smell to it.



Well-Known Member
Your calla and asiatic lilies are beautiful. Are those two very difficult to grow? I live in the SE and it gets very humid, so I fear trying anything new in my own yard. Great job on such healthy plants, your garden looks very relaxing.


Well-Known Member
Soooo beautiful Kitty! My daughter gave me a yellow asiatic for Mom's day. I can't wait for it to bloom again. I can only hope it is as beautiful as yours are.


Moderatrix of Journals
Your calla and asiatic lilies are beautiful. Are those two very difficult to grow? I live in the SE and it gets very humid, so I fear trying anything new in my own yard. Great job on such healthy plants, your garden looks very relaxing.
if you have humid air + well-drained/dry soil, you live in a BETTER environment for the calla lily than i do. the asiatic lilies (actually all the lilies except the calla) were dead easy, almost set 'em and forget 'em.
and thank you for the kind words.


Moderatrix of Journals
Soooo beautiful Kitty! My daughter gave me a yellow asiatic for Mom's day. I can't wait for it to bloom again. I can only hope it is as beautiful as yours are.
asiatics are nice, aren't they? they seem to have the cooler colours compared to the orientals. i saw some "black" ones with yellow tips on ebay that i want for next year.
i wish they smelled pretty though. <--asking too much, i suppose :lol: