Kiwano / Horny Cucumber/ Jelly Melon???


Hello everyone, I was just wondering if anyone has ever grown these bizarre fruits before? Does anyone have any tips on growing them?

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Just google "Kiwano" or "African horned melon". One garden site I found had a discussion. Someone separated seeds out when eating one, planted them and had it growing in no time. They are basically just a cucumber, and require the same conditions and care you would give any cucumber or melon. Apparently they can go "Weedy" and take over if you let them.


Thanks for that Dinosaur Bone. I've never had much joy with cucumbers. I was rewarded with one white cucumber last year! Regarding the Kiwano looking weedy, yes it does. Very. It has started to flower, which is good. I'll check the web shortly to see what i can do with it. I did check the web a few times before, but there wasn't much about it unless i was too baked and didn't notice which is most probable!