knocking on deaths door ???


Well-Known Member
Ok, sorry about the raggy wife... while I am a woman I am nobody's wife! It's ok to take the dead or cripplied leaves off. Once my plant started to recuperate I removed the ugly shit.. but more for appearances and my sake than that of the plant I am sure. They look very good now. But it took time and NOT messing about with them too much. Going to repot one tonight.


Well-Known Member
And FYI my plants can go days without watering.. generally we only water house plants one time per week. I have a moisture metre that I stick in the soil right to the bottom of the pot and it will register dry/moist/wet... because the top of the soil can be fairly dry while the bottoms may be holding moisture.
Your plant look way overly watered to me , as for Ph believe what you want but most good Fertilizer adjust the Ph to some extent but if that water is a high Ph or too low of ph then you can lock the plant out of up taking the needed food. I keep my water in the 6.5 range . I use all R/O D.I water and that comes out at 7.00 but I add a bit of vinegar to lower the barrel to 6.5
I'd also allow the plants soil to get dry on top between waterings . And as for those red/purple lines thats usually a sign of lack of Magnesium and or calcium along with over watering .. when you see that purple looking veins along the stems then your plant are lacking something .. And its also could be in a transplant funk as they will do for couple of weeks after a cutting is rooted or transplanted


Well-Known Member
Red and purple stems is a cal mag issue. I always get it on my hash bomb i have to supplement cal mag through out flowering sucks it up. I'd leave it to dry out then supplement it. As for your friend ripping a leaf of it that is pure stupidity. Congratulate him on stressing your plant. Unless its dead take it off which I doubt it would be seen as its a young cutting!
This is my update... new growth is lookin nice.. all the top leaves look goodbut notice the tips in the above post.. started 12/12 on the 14th. Been defoliating to try n keep it from streching too much . For these 3 40 watt cfls and 1 60 watt things are growing fast. Buddy told me the red/purple in the stock is usual for this strain. It hasn't gotten worse so iunno lol.. thoughts/ ideas? How's she lookin ?
And FYI my plants can go days without watering.. generally we only water house plants one time per week. I have a moisture metre that I stick in the soil right to the bottom of the pot and it will register dry/moist/wet... because the top of the soil can be fairly dry while the bottoms may be holding moisture.
you hit the nail in the head... can I ask ur opinion on how things are looking?


Well-Known Member
Looking much better. New growth looking good and healthy. R u adding any nutrients? That's where I had to start slow. So I use 1/4 of what is recommended. Then maybe push up depending on how they react. If you receive adding nuts it could be nut burn. Has the light burned the leaf? You say you are defoliating. Remove the damaged leaves if you choose but I would leave healthy growth alone.
Yeah only been taking the older growth off.. nothing new or nice looking. . I gave them 1 watering of 20/20/20 at approximately 1/4 . The weird thing is tho the black/brown tips aren't near the lights.. some leaves have been touching the bulbs and those ones are fine. I gave it 2 cups of water (NO nutes) today and some came out the bottom, as I said the guy I got it from isn't really much of a help. I don't know just howmuch to give it. Just looked and the stock is getting more purple. Also when I watered I lifted the pot and roots were coming out the holes at the bottom... its double potted so there's a gap between the bottom and no light is hitting the roots I don't think... they looked white milky


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it needs to get into a bigger pot. If there is a gap at the bottom and they are coming out the second sets of holes. Putting her in another pot will lessen the need to water so much. I use ferts every other watering. Usually water every 3-4 days. You don't want the lamps touching the leaves. Take them up some. Repot when the soil is dry. If your pot is plastic and flimsy just gently pull the plant and she will come out like jelly from a mould. If it's resisting when you pull, just squash the sides of the pots to loosen things up. Give her some water when done and leave her be.


Well-Known Member
I too have stems that are red/purple and while they aren't going to go back to green the new ones will. I have one in flower that had these issues. The buds look pretty good Imo. Your pot does look small. What size is it. Look at some low stress training in your worried about height. Or supercropping. Not hard to do. Just take your time.
Is super cropping or low stress training a viable option a week into flowering ? She's 2 feet tall from the bottom of thr pot to the top. I'm not sure roughly how much water to feed it at a time.. did two cups of water.. no clue if its enough . I'm sry for all the noob questions... I just wanted to wet my toes and this guy throws me in the deep end with no floaties..


Well-Known Member
You should water till it runs off the bottom especially if she's root bound. Another things to water from the bottom up. Put water in the tray and she will suck it up. And yes one week into flower is still fine to do Lst. I am a noob too. And I am sure she lot of people here are.
You will get so many different opinions you won't know whether to scratch your watch or wind your ass. Pick one opinion and go with that. Take a house plant and tend to it. Let's face it. We put a lot more thought into these plants than others. Probably over think. Wed probably never spend this much time on a tomato plant.