Know the facts, but need some experienced opinions

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
moss is sterile and it keeps a lot of water. I think it must hold some air in there too - cant say for sure. How did the transplant go, did you see roots? You should be ok with that mix. Give us a new pic, see how they doing?

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
Here are some pics after I transplanted them into the 5 gallon buckets.


Has anybody ever used Molasses in their water? I hear it makes the bud sweeter, which is something Im interested in.
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Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
fuckme haha theres no happy medium with you, lol. Pics show clearly that you still have something to work with. they need some kind of air movement, i dont mean hurricane force k? gentle fan to strengthen them up. Its gonna be hard to judge the watering now that they're in such a large pot. What were the roots like? Id mist them frequently

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
The roots were long and thin, clumped at the bottom of the cup. I bought some 2 liters today, so as soon as I drink them, I will use them. When should I start using nutes? I have to water tonight, could I use it then?

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
If you are gonna use nutes, use a mild strength solution to begin with. I cant say exactly how much water you gonna need. I normally water until the water runs out bottom of pot but as your pots are so big, that might be a bit much. I think small waterings but often is what you need. Keep misting and the humidity high as possible until they pick up. are you seeing any changes yourself?

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
yeah! I added a mild dose of nutes and molasses to the water.... I think I might see a bit of purple.... I'm gonna let it develop before I over analyze it.

anybody ever try Jamaican Gold?
let me say...... its delicious :)


Active Member
i had an hps than i got from homedepot 250w for 30 bucks. not much to throw down...
Dude, I went to Home Depot looking everywhere for a decent HPS lighting system. The max they had was 75 Watt, and it was already $70.

Did you buy the bulb separately? If so, did you have to buy the ballast as well? I want to do HPS badly, but I can't find a cheap enough setup. I am only growing 3 plants, so I read 150W HPS will do. Can you give me any tips as to where to find it?

P.S. Not meaning to hijack, just looking for some answers.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
yeah! I added a mild dose of nutes and molasses to the water.... I think I might see a bit of purple.... I'm gonna let it develop before I over analyze it.

anybody ever try Jamaican Gold?
let me say...... its delicious :)
I just put 8 jamaican seeds to soil, never tried it mate, hopefully will tough in 13 weeks. Watch this space

mr west

Well-Known Member
What do plants look like when they get burnt from too much nutes? I just wanna know what to look out for
like the pics on page 9, they look much better now tho. I wouldnt bother with any nutes till they a good 4 weeks old and the molassas is for wen u flush at the end of the grow man, ur putting the cart before the horse.

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
I have given up hope for the Romulan. The Cherry Kush is better than ever. It is really taking off. Thanks for the advice, I guess we cant win them all.

mr west

Well-Known Member
sometimes we cant, no. As ur expirence grows u will lose less and less tho so ever cloud has a silver lining lol.

Ram Baba

Active Member
i don't mean to sound offensive as im a newbie also,
but reading up alot from a lot of different sites on cannabis cultivation has helped me alot.

I know this b.c. i when i first started i had 7 Jack herrer x white rhino go to trash because i wasn't well prepared for them (got caught be parents) light leekage--

the ideal thing for you to do next time is to start with cutting from a mother, or just get a feminized seed, bc you really don't want to be wasting your time with a male.

Oh, and put your CFLs like 3" away from the plants,
let the pot dry ( put finger down 2 -3 inches) and if it is dry then water fully, then let dry completly then water fully.
this ensures proper root development and you can transplant like from paper cup - 1 gallon - 3 gallon. but all is good, make sure you do a lot of ready though , and good luck to you mate !

mr west

Well-Known Member
i got them too man, im gonna go buy some sand and put an inch of sand at the top of each pot to try and suffocate the larve, tobacco juice is spozed to be good also. Ive also heard neem oil is good. Im also fgonna be getting some of that too wen i have some cash.