• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Know your enemy


Well-Known Member
Well its still the best in the world subcool. Other places in the world you would have been shot for that outburst.


Well-Known Member
Long ago, the public sector developed an "us vs them" mentality and now we shall reap what we sowed.
Placing parasites and predators in charge of peoples livelyhoods and future is never a good idea.

Hope & change = equal poverty for all except the predator elite at the top of the ladder.


Well-Known Member

you can't be serious.

here's one for you sub. this was sent to me(not from hemlock, although he does want to be compliant) warning me that my constitutional beliefs were going to get me in trouble.



Well-Known Member
Much better men than we-

have died to ensure men would not be in a position to enforce this type of action.
it may be time for us to DO something to ensure regular folks can be free again.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,[72] that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


Well-Known Member
Well its still the best in the world subcool. Other places in the world you would have been shot for that outburst.
Don't be such a flag waiving fool, this is absolutely not what this country is supposed to be like or anything remotely close to this. Nor is it acceptable or excusable.
Freedom to assemble did not mean if granted a permit, and freedom of speach did not include a "if it goes along with the party line" clause. Our country would be completely unrecognisable to anyone from our past.

And no peaceful person needs to be thrown on the ground and cuffed and hauled off like this, they could have cuffed him standing up if that were even warranted, which it wasn't.

We need to change this for sure, but we don't need to go the way of libya and if you've been following the news like I have, you can just see one thing after another after another in country after country designed to push people to the edge and over it, and provoke more war on purpose and by design. Don't fall for it. If our country wants to start offing people without cause make them do it don't give them a legal reason to do it.
Educate every voter you can, look for the root cause and how to fix it non violently, we must find a peaceful way out of this because your option is suicidal.

Someone in high places really likes war, and anything happens like that you know full well the full power of the UN will be here very efficiently bombing us faster than you can sprout a new seed.

If you keep looking further, you'll see country after country is being divided into killing eachother for the benefit of just a few. Further still, and it really makes you wonder who has this kind of power over the minds of our leaders, and how. Think way way way outside the box.


Well-Known Member
Shrub said it best and I thought he was talking about the muzzies when he said
"you are either for us or against us"
The armed services are spread out all over the world. Our National Guard has been beat up and used up in the middle east for ten years now. Every tom, dick and shaquica in an alphabet agency has a gun a badge and a hard on for the public.

The servant has become the master.


Well-Known Member
Well its still the best in the world subcool. Other places in the world you would have been shot for that outburst.
humm, there´s about 10 countries or more, in the world, that consider u.s basically a third world country or close to it.


Well-Known Member
Don't fall for it. If our country wants to start offing people without cause make them do it don't give them a legal reason to do it.
Educate every voter you can, look for the root cause and how to fix it non violently, we must find a peaceful way out of this because your option is suicidal.

Someone in high places really likes war, .
Your peaceful solution will never work with predators this evil. They will stage events to get their way. I like the someone in high places really likes war comment. That someone is making his last stand after thousands of years creating chaos.


Well-Known Member
It does not show what lead up to the situation. Only the results. All you hear is her side. A propaganda video that shows nothing nor proves anything. Videos like this are the enemy.


Well-Known Member
Not hating nor pissed Meds. I just pointed out the obvious. Who knows what he may have, or have not done. And to spin it into 'we no longer have freedom of speech' is just mindless.


Well-Known Member
Well to those of you who called me a flag waving fool, just remember I also backed my words up by serving ion the military and earned a Combat action ribbon protecting our country. Now that probably means nothing to most of you. However, if we didn't have folks like me we would be speaking Japaneese or German right Now, and not have any of the liberties that we now enjoy. I wish all of you well. But if you think its better somewhere else I suggest you move there and see if your theory is true. I have been there and couldn't wait to get back to America. IMO teh USA its far and away the BEST in the world. I might not agree with what you all are saying but I WILL defend to my death the right for you to say it.
Best wishes to all of you.
Remember the United States Military is NOT your enemy.
The UN is...........


Well-Known Member
Same here but you should know there is no substitute for liberty and no amount of security is worth giving it up.

Most here know by now I'm ex army infantry, welcome to the club. And any good infantryman knows you must first know your enemy, and that is the point of this thread is it not? If you think it's police or our leaders you're mistaken. It's not something that can be explained, you have to figure it out or it's not even believable when people tell you, then you must allow it to become more obvious to more people and most still don't get it. In the meantime, you learn the enemies weakness and try to find the best way to exploit it. I really don't think war is the answer here sir, just speaking such a thing on a public forum is a quick ticket to a fema camp legally now, but I repect those that have that opinion. I don't agree with the solution but a few of us agree on the problem.


Well-Known Member
Same here but you should know there is no substitute for liberty and no amount of security is worth giving it up.

Most here know by now I'm ex army infantry, welcome to the club. And any good infantryman knows you must first know your enemy, and that is the point of this thread is it not? If you think it's police or our leaders you're mistaken. It's not something that can be explained, you have to figure it out or it's not even believable when people tell you, then you must allow it to become more obvious to more people and most still don't get it. In the meantime, you learn the enemies weakness and try to find the best way to exploit it. I really don't think war is the answer here sir, just speaking such a thing on a public forum is a quick ticket to a fema camp legally now, but I repect those that have that opinion. I don't agree with the solution but a few of us agree on the problem.
Thank you for your service!!!!
I was USMC Infantry 0311


Well-Known Member
Yea sorry about the fool comment you could seriously hurt me. :) I was just 162nd infantry, Oregon Army National Guard. Compared to you I'd have been more equavalent to Paulie Shore as the water boy. :)
Brush up on ancient knowledge, remote viewing, remote influencing, play with psychic abilities, meditation, everything previously dismissed from western culture.


Well-Known Member

you can't be serious.

here's one for you sub. this was sent to me(not from hemlock, although he does want to be compliant) warning me that my constitutional beliefs were going to get me in trouble.

Holding prisoners of War in a never ending war?


Well-Known Member
I think it's more how you express yourself and what you openly advocate that can get you in trouble sir.