Knowing How To Dry The Plant

@cock roach, it all comes down to how you intend to use it.

If you are smoking it, then you have your answer from the people who have already posted.

But, if you are going to extract it, in my experience humidity only matters if there is money involved.
Because higher humidity (to a point) can artificially bump up the extract quantity.
This also depends on the extraction method as well, with rosin pressing having the most benefit from added humidity.

This doesn't mean higher humidity yields more oil, it just means higher humidity has more water in the extract so the yield "appears" larger and thus can sell for more.

So, if you are going to extract it and it's for personal use, then let that shit dry out!!!
Have to make extraction fast because the risk of mold after 65rh or more constantly for a period of time. No bueno amigo
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Where I live 30% humidity is considered a lot and usually only happens in the winter.
The average is like 15% so mold isn't an issue for me.
I have to remember, other people live where the humidity is usually above 50% all the time and sometimes as high as 80% and still considered to be normal.
I remember going the hygrometer route first couple grows....
Ended up just hanging until the small branches snap by 6-7 grow.
Then switched to extracts so hardly even trim except fan leaves.
Last grow went in freezer after 10 days hanging.
Going to try freezing immediately after chopping next grow.
Just keeps getting better with experience...
And the input of RollItUp.
Thnx guys.