KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself


Well-Known Member
Ok so I was told not to clone from the very top of the plant, but my White Widow just grew like this from seed only had one light source right above it and no bending, topping or cropping!!! So if I am about to take clones and get her down to size won't I need to take off both top stems and clone both tops???


Moderatrix of Journals
meh, the only reason not to clone a top that i can think of is because they take longer to root than secondaries and that can be a bit finicky... but yes, if i wanted to get it to a manageable size that's what i'd do....


Active Member
U could if u wanted 2, and its better to have more clones just incase 1 doesnt take(root), so with 2 ull def get 1 and maybe have an extra plant..GL Kona but i know ull be fine


Well-Known Member
Tops will root.. just take a little longer.. I would take 3 big clones from the 3 tops.. just because they are soo stretched.. Try to find 2 nodes that are really close together .. and cut right above it for your clone.. this will allow the 2 nodes underneath to become nice cola's in flower and will take some of the stretch out of the plant


Well-Known Member
Hey Konagirl. Just stopping by to say hello. Your pics are great, the girls are all looking good. How are you liking the tent so far? I was thinking about getting one to keep a mother in.


Well-Known Member
lolz kev being a mod is like being a principal, you end up with more enemies than friends ,


Well-Known Member
Hey Konagirl. Just stopping by to say hello. Your pics are great, the girls are all looking good. How are you liking the tent so far? I was thinking about getting one to keep a mother in.
Thanks fumble yeah I am loving the tent and so are the girls I am thankful the light finally got here and now things are looking like I origianlly planned :)


Well-Known Member
mornin kona hows you ive been put on the list to be a moderator so im making progress
Congrats Kev, I am happy for ya buddy, I know it means a lot to you!!!!! Hehehe I on the other hand would not care for that job, but hey we need people like you to do that job so I am glad there are those who want to hahahaha makes this world go round huh?


Well-Known Member
hey kona, i dont know if you chopped the WW last night or waited..... i modded your pic to give you an idea of what to do :D

if you do it this way it will give you the basic idea of what were trying to acheive :)