Koolbloom powder?

Running GH nutrient line was going to switch to half strength base nutes and swap liquid koolbloom for koolbloom powder any input?


Well-Known Member
I use it in coco with H&G Cocos A and B. I don't start using it until 21 days out. I cut my nutes down to 6ml per gallon and Koolbloom at 1 teaspoon(small side of the scooper) per 5 gallons of water.


Well-Known Member
1 tsp is a *lot*. When I used powdered KB I used 1.25g which is 1/4 tsp.

For example, GH Flora 3-part in bloom is 5, 7.5 and 15ml/gal. That is NPK ratio 1-1.28-1.59. Adding 1.25g KB powder is 1-2.64-2.39. That seems reasonable to me.

5g (1tsp) is 1-5.84-4.26.

That seems excessive even for a "booster." Do people usually go that high with PK?


Well-Known Member
1 tsp is a *lot*. When I used powdered KB I used 1.25g which is 1/4 tsp.

For example, GH Flora 3-part in bloom is 5, 7.5 and 15ml/gal. That is NPK ratio 1-1.28-1.59. Adding 1.25g KB powder is 1-2.64-2.39. That seems reasonable to me.

5g (1tsp) is 1-5.84-4.26.

That seems excessive even for a "booster." Do people usually go that high with PK?
I believe if you read that post again, he said 1 tsp/5 gal. ;-)
I use it in coco with H&G Cocos A and B. I don't start using it until 21 days out. I cut my nutes down to 6ml per gallon and Koolbloom at 1 teaspoon(small side of the scooper) per 5 gallons of water.
When I used to use powder koolbloom, I also ran it when the plants were around 21 days out. 1/4 tsp/gal. 1/4tsp is right in the directions.
When powder koolbloom first came out it was called Kabloom. Didn't have dosage instructions worth a shit. Everyone including me burnt the fuck out of their plants.
Anyways, I no longer use powder koolbloom, or any other pk booster for that matter. Just a decent bloom nute all the way to the end. I like it better


Well-Known Member
It's just a bloom booster,gh has plenty what you need. No need for the sideshows. If your running 3 part just cut your green...grow,use 50/50 micro bloom. all you need.Maxibloom is better,I run it start to finish with great results. .8 to 1.5 per watt depending on strain.Keep it simple and you have a hard time effing it up.