Kottonmouth's Multi Strain Outdoor Grow


New Member
whats shaken fellas! g/p dude it seems like its been forever!im not on as much- u been gone.dang,i wish we cud hang brudda!im smokin on some hash rt now!effects are kickn in!
thanx for the kind words everyone. I WOULD LOVE SOME KINGSBLEND!!!KINGS KUSH!SOUNDS BOMB...........

was it some of your own handmade hash
i still never got around to making mine
did u say u used butane?


Well-Known Member
BHO is awesome...and Kings Kush is not my favorite, but DAMN KMK, your plants look AWESOME!! I'm jealous, for sure! It's fucked, but as soon as I move I'll have total sun...haha...anyway, keep up the good work, brother!!! Man, looking sweeeet for sure! WSish you were coming to the MediCannaCup this weekend :( We'll smoke a fattie for ya!!


New Member
BHO is awesome...and Kings Kush is not my favorite, but DAMN KMK, your plants look AWESOME!! I'm jealous, for sure! It's fucked, but as soon as I move I'll have total sun...haha...anyway, keep up the good work, brother!!! Man, looking sweeeet for sure! WSish you were coming to the MediCannaCup this weekend :( We'll smoke a fattie for ya!!
i forgot to comment on his plants
man last time i seen them they were babies it seems
now that trailer is rocking

hey metasynth puff it one time for me too


Active Member
whats shaken fellas! g/p dude it seems like its been forever!im not on as much- u been gone.dang,i wish we cud hang brudda!im smokin on some hash rt now!effects are kickn in!
thanx for the kind words everyone. I WOULD LOVE SOME KINGSBLEND!!!KINGS KUSH!SOUNDS BOMB...........
Yea, It seems like it's been a hot min.
I looked at my babbies lastnight and they ahve grown like another 2 inches after I have tied them down..... .they are just getting taller and taller... i might have to bend them again.. but the stems on all of them are rock fucking hard now.... it's gonna be a trick.

Keep 'em growin strong guys !!!


Well-Known Member
Yea i almost water every other day now. Have not fed them yet going to go with what you been saying go pick up some flora nova and flora grow. My buddy on here mentioned GH simple 3 part program keep it green program is really good to. I am hoping next year to look more somethen like you! haha. You gonna be around these next few weeks?


Active Member
Finally caught up on the entire thread, took a long ass time. Good read though and plants look awesome man!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
heres today.huge difference!



Well-Known Member
SImply AMAZING!!!!! My favorite plant of them all is your re-veg!! I am so happy to see some new re-veg growth on that plant.....Those are some big ass plants my friend!!! Keep up the great work and have a very safe 4th of July weekend!!!




Well-Known Member
My goodness, all of a sudden you seem to have a jungle in your backyard...lol...trimming that all by yourself, are you? Haha, my lady and I are gonna try to trim as much of my crop as possible, assuming I make it through flowering...lol...Looking awesome brother!


Active Member
Everything just looks so damn good !!!!! I have to agree with BKB ... I'm really happy to see some reveg on that Chernobyl....... i think thats what that one was....

Question for the awsome guys here who actualy know what there doing.....lol..... I am getting yellowing on my fan leaves.. and each set is starting to turn yellow.. starting with the lower sets and working is way up. I know this is a sign of N deficiency. but I'm afraid to give them any more nutes than i already am.. any suggestions.. .they are in full flowing force and i am giving them the MG bloom boost nutes .... any suggestions?


I make it rain.. so i flush every other day and water with nute water after they drain ( they are almost bone dry every other day... right before they start drooping I water ... or rain on them.((BKB's suggestion... thanks .. it works great !))).... what am i doing wrong.. my ladies are looking soooooo damn good... this is the best experience i have ever had growing and the best crop i have ever dreamed of producing.. I would hate to see it all go to waste over a noob error....... thanks for any help you can give guys !!!


Well-Known Member
Are you making sure you have 6.5 pH after you mix your nutes??? You could also have a Cal/Mag problem which in hand locks out "N".....If you are already giving them "N" and it still not doing nothing then I would say your locking out "N" somehow so thats what you probably need to figure out. What was your last feeding(Nute mix)of your plants? Are you still giving "N"? When was the last time you fed "N"? How long have they been Flowering? Do you have a thread?




Well-Known Member
Are you making sure you have 6.5 pH after you mix your nutes??? You could also have a Cal/Mag problem which in hand locks out "N".....If you are already giving them "N" and it still not doing nothing then I would say your locking out "N" somehow so thats what you probably need to figure out. What was your last feeding(Nute mix)of your plants? Are you still giving "N"? When was the last time you fed "N"? How long have they been Flowering? Do you have a thread?


His link is in his sig &#8730;&#8730; I was thinking the same thing cal/mag >< Come check out my thread BKB I have a few questions for you, don't want to take over the thread though :P


Active Member
Are you making sure you have 6.5 pH after you mix your nutes??? You could also have a Cal/Mag problem which in hand locks out "N".....If you are already giving them "N" and it still not doing nothing then I would say your locking out "N" somehow so thats what you probably need to figure out. What was your last feeding(Nute mix)of your plants? Are you still giving "N"? When was the last time you fed "N"? How long have they been Flowering? Do you have a thread?


His link is in his sig &#8730;&#8730; I was thinking the same thing cal/mag >< Come check out my thread BKB I have a few questions for you, don't want to take over the thread though :P
Thanks BKB ... I will have to get a PH kit.. i haven't even been checking the water.... :( I have increased the nutes to half strength with no nute burn... and I'm not 100 % sure what the ratio is in teh mix. MG makes 2 versions of the bloom boost ferts ... and im not real sure which one i have. I really need to check my PH tho... I have never checked it before... I use tap water that sits out over night. Thanks for the advice guys !!!

KMK if I'm hijacking your journal ... sorry bro.. I just don't want all of this hard work to go to waste. . . :)

Still your garden continues to amaze me every time i look at it ! Keep em growing strong ... before long your gonna have 10 ft tall trees in there.... lol