KP and FDD go head to head


Well-Known Member
from the club?

i had to use a makeshift trellace for mine, nothing but huge buds on wimpy, viney branches, no rigidity at all....

see that's the thing that really bothers me. i can take 50 cuttings of mexican bag seed. root them. drive 2 blocks and donate them to the club with a tag on them that says white widow. they sell them as white widow. i wouldn't do this but others may. i don't know.:confused: i have no idea what i really have. even from seed bank to seed bank the same strains vary. i'm soooooooo confused.:confused::confused: i own every bud identification book out there. did you know there is a "big book of buds 3"? i own it. it just came out. half the strains i've never heard of.


Well-Known Member
didn't know that. i'd love to borrow the book when you get done with it, be interesting to do some crosse refference here...

my trainwreck was almost identical to three other peoples tw's from ic mag, same viney growth, seemed to be the trademark for the strain. i think they were arcata.... not sure though.



New Member
i'm looking specifically for a strain with viney growth habits.

how would you rate the high from this train wreck?

do you have any suggestions of other viney growers?


Well-Known Member
i'm looking specifically for a strain with viney growth habits.

how would you rate the high from this train wreck?

do you have any suggestions of other viney growers?
tw is great! danky taste, and good heady buzz. mine did well at 12-14 weeks, yeild was great.

on a 1-10, i'd say a 7....

my tw is the only floppy strain i've dealt with so far....



New Member
All my plants go floppy, as i tie up the main stems so they don't need to grow very thick. If the plant(s) have been topped then there's floppy branches everywhere. Grapefruit was particularly floppy.

Anyone else ever have trouble with floppys? lol.


New Member
thanks for the responce, peeps.

in particular, i am after a plant with a central stalk that i can force to grow low along the ground, allowing it's secondary grow tips to develope as main stalks. it's a viney experiment with alot more going, too.

i read that blue widow doesn't have a main central stalk. that it grows many equal stalks that bush out. damn! that's the plant i wanted. any advice on experiance with strains that might accomplish what i'm after?

thanks again to all the knowledgable growers willing to help.


New Member
Hmmm. To be honest I really can't remember. I bent it out of neccessity, and the branches started growing straight up with nothing underneath. Looked cool, and the plant was from seed so I really couldn't tell you if it did anything to the yield.

With what you have in mind, a sativa seems the way to go. I'd love to see an experiment like this unfold, as one plant could well turn into many with the right amount of veg' time.


Well-Known Member
that was the original from bean, i'll upload some pix later of the clone grows, they finished exactly the same...

yep, had to tie up every branch, yeild was fantastic.



New Member
true, true. but with space limitations, that might not be the plant for me.

was that grown from seed or clone? was it supported durring the grow?
From seed, and no I didn't support it. These were experimental plants as i already had a mom. I also had one plant where I snapped off it's 2 main branches (about 4 weeks into flower) and sellotaped them back on. The wounds took over a week to heal, but the plant was covered in frost. When it healed the places where it had broken off the stem was easily 6 times the size of the rest of the stem. Bending too, this also strengthens the stem at the place of bending.

They were also feminised seed. Nice plant, if you like that sort of thing. Fluffy as fuck (the bud).