KP and FDD go head to head


fdd... you should plant it in the ground... just let that thing go crazy... feed it feed it feed it... i wanna see the biggest pot plant in the US ever sometime next month...


Well-Known Member
and then when fdd has planes crashing into his house cause they think it is a airport control tower lol..... seriously its like "well fdd gave me the directions i cant find his house he said it be easy to find" " could it possibly with house with a 20 ft tall cannabis antenna on the side of the house, i read all 42 pages but not recently so i dont remember


Well-Known Member
lol i did... won't them birdies eat your helpful lil mantis' though? or ahve you not seen any around for a while?

i saw 1 a couple days ago. that's it.:cry:

and then when fdd has planes crashing into his house cause they think it is a airport control tower lol..... seriously its like "well fdd gave me the directions i cant find his house he said it be easy to find" " could it possibly with house with a 20 ft tall cannabis antenna on the side of the house, i read all 42 pages but not recently so i dont remember

it's from seed.


btw... does any one else find it kinda funny i'm "teaching to roll" and i've only done one grow so far.... that could be a bit misleading... lol!!!


Well-Known Member
lol its teaching to roll not teaching to grow :D unless u dont know how to roll then it would be misleading lol


lol its teaching to roll not teaching to grow :D unless u dont know how to roll then it would be misleading lol
i roll just fine thank you

but i mean in context with this site... i dunno, maybe its this skuff thats making it more comedic for me =]


Well-Known Member
whatever floats your boat :D or raft :D lol

lol i would laugh if one of the status's was

"Teaching how to pack a bowl" lol or "learning how to pack a bowl" hahahahaha
god that would be so funny


i'm gonna go turn on the hose and soften the ground. :hump::blsmoke:
think you'd possibly start a little thread or whatever showing how to transplant into the ground? like how to make the amendments, what amendments to make and why?

if its not too much work that is... i just think it'd be a good read...

i can't wait to see how this turns out...


Well-Known Member
could you imagine if he was LSTing it, how bushy and tall it would be fucken christmas tree sized


Well-Known Member
WTF KP? things shooting to the moon. it is now the second tallest plant in my garden. it has only been outside half as long as the others. sure it will fill-in, once it's 17' tall. daaaaaaaamn.

funny, it doesn't LOOK root bound. hahaha lololol:mrgreen: