Kramton (from a head shop, boring report)


Was down at my local head shop with a buddy and noticed they had kramton same company/brand that supplies salvia that I tried and liked from the head shop, the brand has kinda psychedelic packaging with a mini-pamphlet on the front talking about dosages, history, effect etc.
The employee said they had just got it a week ago, still just trying it to see if they should keep it. I've heard and read of it before hand, so I snagged 1.5 grams of 15x extract for about 15$ which is all they had.
Well I didn't read the little pamphlet till I got home, just assumed there would be 3-5 effective doses like the salvia I had gotten from the same brand/company, which every time I assume anything I regret it one way or the other :-|
I start reading it and it says recommended dose 1-3 grams, pull the tabs out and pull the bag out, 1.5 grams, one shot wonder I thought, so I throw it in water n' drank it down.
It was very bitter and reminded me of how bitter and disgust are one in the same.

So hour goes by vision got a little brighter, very light almost not noticeable body buzz and that's it, nothing else, real lame.
Looks like the prices online are way cheaper than this was, and I'd suggest not buying this brand due to price and amount sold.
which is why I normally don't buy from head shops, was just an opportunity buy and hope I can save someone some money with this.


Kratom is good stuff. Though a head shop would rip you off, and probably not have the best quality. It reminds me of a head shop around here that is selling powdered mimosa hostilis. He was selling 5g baggies for 40$. Not to mention he didnt even know what ayahuasca is. Some owners just see this stuff and keep it on hand for years long after potency has been lost.

There are many good sites selling stellar kratom for a small fraction of what you paid. I usually pay around 8$/gr for 50x. I recommend the parachute or large gel caps. Drinking it can be quite gross, though not as bad as many other concoctions ive tried.

Dont expect visuals though, I wouldnt classify it as hallucinogenic. Its an opiate, a rather strong one, with stimulating effects on the side. I love Kratom most coming down from long lasting RC's, it makes me feel heavenly :)


Well-Known Member
thats some weak extact, 5g of strong plain leaf would have you railed so hard you get seasick if you move.