
some people HATE valerian i love the smell my wife hates it i love it!

ps the reason i add it is because its a great aphrodisiac for me and its great for a modulated feeeling to the kratom
Lol, sounds like you know how to have a good time. :D

I usually prefer some quick crystals in a capsule or a tear of some blotter still than having to ingest mounds of all this natural stuff. Just much quicker and easier. :D
Opiates will kill you in the long run, Kratom can reduce your likelyhood of getting western diseases like heart attacks strokes and cancer to just 10% of that of people who live outside of the kratom belt.
I got another order from the TKK. ive been gettin sample packs to figure out what works the best. This time I tried some reds. I just took 5g's off legacy red thai. With in a half hour i already feel the effects. I found the best way to take it is mix with ice cream, kept grinding it in till its like soft serve, goes down easy