

Well-Known Member
Kratom-- Used for help with withdrawals from opiate addiction. Trouble is, depending on ones intake of opiate drugs, it can take large amounts of Kratom to feel relief from symptoms. Lots of internet sites sell kratom in both capsule and powder form.
What do you want to know about it?


Active Member
It's relaxing. It really takes the edge off. It takes away anxiety and you feel like you're wrapped in something warm and cozy. It's also a interesting combination of opium like relaxation but also stimulating at the same time. No couchlock, you want to get up and do things.

I did have a bad experience once which is why I haven't used it in awhile. I tried two heaping tablespoons of Bali Kratom, the good stuff, and I don't know why, possibly because it was too much indigestible leaf, but I was nauseous for 8 hours and still sick the next day when I got up. What should have been a relaxing Friday night was spent sitting with a vomit bucket until I finally puked and was still sick the rest of the night. Once something has made you sick your body's natural defenses kick in so I've been leaving my Kratom stash alone lately. So procede carefully until you find out how much Kratom your stomach can handle.

I've read that the stuff is absolutely habit forming which is why it's illegal in some traditional places it comes from like Thailand. So if you find yourself using it every day you're on the way to being hooked. Kratom is below the radar in the US so it will probably be legal for the time being if you want to see what it's like.


Well-Known Member
very similar to cannibas if anything, I'd avoid it i you are living in one of those hotspell places as it tends to push my body temp up a little, kinda feels like a warm breeze is blowing on it.
Don't use more than once in 5 days, best yet keep it for special days. Start with a lowish dose, maybe 3 or 4g, and work your way up, takeing too much will give you horrible motionsickness.


Well-Known Member
I prefer the enhanced extracts. I feel like you lose a lot when you make a tea so I've eaten the leaf straight up. Much easier with a concentrated version since there is way less plant matter to ingest.


Well-Known Member
I like to do kratom sometimes. usually go on a week long binge or so. it's a nice stimulating high like opiates, then wears off and you can sleep good. 10-15 grams of decent leaf will get you a nice buzz (actually probably like 5g for firsst time). If you do too much you'll just puke it back up and it's not a terrible experience like over dosing on other drugs. I find the extracts are a waste of money. Unless like the above said, you can't take the taste. I don't taste it much using a spoon and a chaser, though. You can also put it in capsules or buy it in capsules.

When I was addicted to opiates it was good for when I was broke and avoiding withdrawals. Now it's just a once in a while thing..


Well-Known Member
Jesus I can't imagine how constipated you must be after a week.

yes, thats an unfortunate side effect.
I just chuck it in a glass with water (it doesn't mix well, but you can kinda drink it), then add more water to the leftover shit in the glass, swirl around to get everything and chug that down too, followed by more water for the taste, it tastes like sucking a teabag...
10-15g is a nuts dose for most people (me included), unless you have a high opiate tollerance.
It is also handy for addiction treatment by occupying the opiate receptors, reducing pleasure from opiates.


Active Member
I use kratom for pain and anxiety and even allergies. It's the most effective drug I've ever found for allergies and I've tried many (I'm on six right now) - most don't really work for allergies as severe as mine. They'll cut symptoms by 50% or so. Since I discovered kratom I sneeze maybe twice a week instead of 100+ times a day - the difference is huge.

It's great to use because it's hardly addictive - the withdrawals are a joke, as mild as caffeine withdrawal or milder - the worst I've experienced is a feeling of discomfort combined with some sweats and chills. Nothing like real opiates.

You don't ever get much of a tolerance, either. I've been drinking Bali kratom tea 3-4x a day for over a year and my dose is still the same as when I began - 3g. (Very advantageous for long term pain management!) This comes to about a tablespoon. If I were two consume 6g I have no doubt I would be puking - don't overdo it!

It feels a lot like hydrocodone, with more nausea. I am very thankful this plant is legal as the doctors have been less than generous with pain medication lately. Nerve damage hurts like hell and I'd never get through it without something to help.

With my source a 3g dose costs about 50 cents. If anyone wants to know where to get it just PM me.


Well-Known Member
It's a weak opioid with some stimulant properties. Supposed to be awesome if you don't have a big tolerance. Sadly mine is big so all I get is constipated and annoyed.
It can be good for maintenance if you are really determined, but it's easily broken through so you have to be really committed to staying off whatever you're kicking.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call it weak, the active painkilling component is 17 times more potent than morphine.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call it weak, the active painkilling component is 17 times more potent than morphine.
Wow is it really? They sould start deriving medicines from kratom rather than opium....

Yes the constipation is bad after a week. It's just I usually order 8 ounces or so, and I can't stop doing it until its gone (addict).

I think I have my addiction in control (mostly) as long as I switch up the drugs =P

Never have to experience withdrawals again!!!

someone said it's hardly addictive and the withdrawals are a joke.... but also said they drink 3-4 doses a day... so you probably haven't even gone through the withdrawals. It can be pretty rough... like a mild opiate withdrawal. Nothing like withdrawing from 1,000 mg oxycodone/day habit. I only did painpills because of pain, though ;-P.... just kidding I love how people say that to make them feel less like an addict.


Well-Known Member
I just took 3 grams of kratom the other night, great night. Made it more entertaining, has a light stimulating effect with a hint of euphorie....
and yes constipation is a terrible side effect... I just past a huge dump... HUGE!


Active Member

someone said it's hardly addictive and the withdrawals are a joke.... but also said they drink 3-4 doses a day... so you probably haven't even gone through the withdrawals.

Nah, I've stopped completely a few times before. Compared to other withdrawals, they're a joke. I find even caffeine withdrawal to be more uncomfortable (the headaches).


Well-Known Member
I would not worry about that too much unless you have or had an opiate problem in the past.