
Q davis

I know this is a weed forum but I am too lazy to make an account on some other site so bear with me. Recently I got my hands on some kratom. I bought two samplers, here are the links.

Anyway I was wondering what the best way of using the kratom would be and how much I should use. It's my first time trying kratom and I don't know if it matters but I'm like 6'3" and like 175 lbs.
ingest what ever way is easiest for you. i used to put it in juices. what are you trying to get out of it? I never found it to be a drug of choice. more to curb opiate withdraws, and imo thats all its good for. for me anyways.
i watched my sister and her firends kick dope by putting it up there asses,(the kratom) cause they claim kratom taste horrid and still gets ingested fast in the rectum! i still like xanax.......just sayin'
ingest what ever way is easiest for you. i used to put it in juices. what are you trying to get out of it? I never found it to be a drug of choice. more to curb opiate withdraws, and imo thats all its good for. for me anyways.

Toss and wash. Weigh out your stuff in a folded piece of paper, toss it in your mouth, and wash it down with liquid.
I love kratom! Best way for me is toss n' wash... Can taste horrid and you'll probably fuck up the first couple times, but just hold some liquid in your mouth, then dump a half to full teaspoon of it in your mouth, swallow, then chug some more drink to get the rest of it out. Take on an empty stomach for best results. Or you can go the traditional way and brew a tea, although I've never done that.

I usually take a half teaspoon, it's a small dose but it works for me. A full teaspoon is a more common dose. Or better yet, actually weight it out.

If you're expecting something powerful and mindblowing, you won't get it from kratom. It's rather subtle, but I do enjoy it. The red vein should be more sedative and relaxing, while the white vein may be more energetic.
Go to your local GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, organic food store an get some gelatin capsules to put it in. Or if you're patient or willing to pay for overnight/2 day-shipping (amazon prime?) get 0 or 00 sized ones. The bigger they are (capsules) the less you'll have to consume. They usually don't carry sizes that big at those aforementioned chain retail stores.

If you're opiate niave between 3-5 grams should be a good starting dose but the kratom strain/variety and personal body chemistry will play key roles in the proper personal dosage.

Capsules ensure you'll get all the alkaloids the plant has to offer. Steeping it into tea seems to lack some of the overall psychoactive effects IMO. You also won't have to deal with the unpalatable taste/texture of the powder. Your second best option would probably be the "toss & wash" method as someone previously mentioned.
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BTW if you go to a GNC/Vitamin Shoppe look for nigella sativa oil while you're there or purchase some online. It's probably the only thing I would consider a legitimate legal "potentiator" of kratom/opiates. It contains thymoisoquinolones which are minor opiate agonists if I remember correctly. Don't quote me on that though. It's also considered to be an effective natural health supplement to boot! :)
1) put a couple tablespoons into a cup.
2) fill cup 1cm or so above the kratom with your alcohol of choice (40% will do is recommend vodka.)
3) mix with spoon for 30 seconds - 1 minute(the longer the better)
4) strain the green alcohol mixture through an old t-shirt/cloth into another container.
5) drink the green alcohol without the plant matter. Dispell plant matter or I've heard you can use it again.

It's the only way I'll do krwtom and have found it to be most effective without being rough on the stomach and digestive tract.
1-3 tbspns is enough to get you pretty high.
Don't underestimate the krwtom or you'll Ralph.
I stand by this method over anything else. Definitely give the 'kratom Shot' a chance.
BTW if you go to a GNC/Vitamin Shoppe look for nigella sativa oil while you're there or purchase some online. It's probably the only thing I would consider a legitimate legal "potentiator" of kratom/opiates. It contains thymoisoquinolones which are minor opiate agonists if I remember correctly. Don't quote me on that though. It's also considered to be an effective natural health supplement to boot! :)

I would consider caffeine,tobacco, and cannabis all "potentiators" of kratom. Tobacco especially can send me into spins if I've had a big kratom dose.
It has been a couple years since I started using the spesiosa on a near daily basis. I like this forum a lot, so I'm going to share with you guys where I source my supply from. It's great quality at a great price. Bikhuk.
I got off heroin using methadone but need to get off the methadone now. Can this kratom help? If so, how do you get it? I have no clue what it is
It does help withdrawal, not sure how good though seeming as I've never really had a ridiculous opiate withdrawal.
I'd get it from buy-kratom. From bikhuk it'll take 2 weeks to get here from indo. I used to always use bikhuk and just found a thread on reddit where everyone was talking highly of buy-kratom. Same price, I believe it's domestic too
Are they cheaper than $100/kilo?
Nope, I know some of the american vendors have crazy cheap prices like that but I haven't found anything like that in Canada. The one I'm using right now sells a kilo of 4 mixed strains for $180 or so, granted their bags are always overweight.