Kucinich Needs Your Support NOW!


Well-Known Member
Our man Dennis Kucinich is bringing a bill before the floor of the house today to have the illegitimate cheney impeached.
Call your rep and ask them to support the bill and to vote against any tabling to stop the bill.
1 800 862 5530 or 1 800 828 0498 ...
Hurry ... free pot for the first 200 callers!


Well-Known Member
I actually just came to this forum to write something about this. I am not a fan of Cheney in the least, but is this impeachment supposed to benefit the American people, or Dennis Kucinich's presidential bid?



Well-Known Member
Our man Dennis Kucinich is bringing a bill before the floor of the house today to have the illegitimate cheney impeached.
Call your rep and ask them to support the bill and to vote against any tabling to stop the bill.
1 800 862 5530 or 1 800 828 0498 ...
Hurry ... free pot for the first 200 callers!
If I call, do I get my choice in pot? I really need a 9".:eyesmoke:



New Member
Great Idea, but the gutless democrats will not vote for impeachment, even though that is the required action for the actions of the Bush-Cheney regime. I have petitioned my congressmen quite a few times for this action and they have written back that it is way too time consuming and will not change anything. I say, if we want to preserve our constitutional rights, it is imperative. I've even threatned to vote against any congressman or woman that refuses to do so, and obviously they don't care about my vote. So I've decided to vote against all incumbent congressmen from my state. It is my only recourse and should be the same for everyone on this site that believes their elected representatives are not doing their bidding.


New Member
"Our" man? Are you pregnant?

Oh, and to date, none of you Bush/Cheney haters have gone on record and stated exactly which of our constitutional rights have been eliminated.



Well-Known Member
Please don't forget the 2nd Amendment was trampled a number of times. I'm not so sure, but might consider the 8th and 14th Amendments in this discussion. Some peole might also mention the 1964 Voting Rights Act, but I think that is a weak case.


New Member
"Our" man? Are you pregnant?

Oh, and to date, none of you Bush/Cheney haters have gone on record and stated exactly which of our constitutional rights have been eliminated.

Again, nonsense in it's most hateful form. Don't ask for proof, do a little research, of course the rich don't abide by the same rules, yet.


New Member
Well, let's see:

1st Amendment.

Hmmm ... so far, none of you Bush/Cheney haters have been arrested for sedition due to your hate speech.

2nd Amendment:

Government goons have not yet done their door to door search to confiscate your firearms.

3rd Amendment:

As far as I know, no citizen has had to house troops in their homes.

4th Amendment:

Other than my recent IRS tax audit, I don't know of any citizen that has had their papers and effects searched or seized without a warrant ... do you?

5th Amendment:

Anyone here been forced to be a witness against yourself?

6th Amendment:

Anyone you know been denied a speedy trial?

7th Amendment:

Anyone here been denied a trial by jury?

8th Amendment:

Anyone here been charged excessive bail, or been subject to cruel and unusual punishment?

9th Amendment:

Who do you know that has been denied rights that are not listed in the Constitution?

10th Amendment:

Ahh, yes ... the federal government violates this amendment all the time. Which of you, like me, would like to see the federal government chained by this Amendment? Come on now ... surely all the socialists among us would like to see the Constitution enforced, no? ~lol~

11th Amendment:

Anyone here been procecuted by a foreign state?

12th Amendment:

Has anyone here had their voting rights violated?

13th Amendment:

Ahh ... and another Constitutional Amendment that's been violated. This is the part about the involuntary servitude. Yeppers, the federal government expects me and you to keep our tax records without being paid for doing so. Hey, I didn't volunteer for it, did you?

14th Amendment:

Anyone here being deprived life, liberty or property without due process of law?

15th Amendment:

Have you been denied the right to vote?

16th Amendment:

Has Congress eliminated the income tax? We can only hope.

And on, and on ... and on ... an on.

Now then, which part of the Constitution has been shredded?



Well-Known Member
ViRedd, I used to be a big Bush supporter. But, most of the Constitution has been abridged in the Katrina - New Orleans fiasco. Other executive orders and Patriot Act provisions have abridged the Constitution.

The situation is appalling. Our Department of Justice is an absolute abomination of justice in several respects. Right now the country is headed to Hell in a hand cart. We need a major change of direction.


Well-Known Member
Well, let's see:
2nd Amendment:

Government goons have not yet done their door to door search to confiscate your firearms.
Well let's see ... you demostrate your stupidity once again ...

So you forgot all about Katrina and how they took firearms from people trying to defend their homes ...

4th Amendment:
Been to an airport lately?

6th Amendment:
Anyone you know been denied a speedy trial?
Yes ...
José Padilla

12th Amendment:
Has anyone here had their voting rights violated?
Have you been denied the right to vote?
Yep ... in several states ... especially Ohio ... during the 2004 and 2006 elections ... are denied the right to vote if they don't have the proper papers ... all due as a cover to supress the vote

16th Amendment:
Never ratified

Now then, which part of the Constitution has been shredded?
Take your pick ... :roll:
I don't get this screwy board ... I tried to fix the quote a couple of times and this is what I get ... :spew:


New Member
1. The firearms confiscated from the people after Katrina were confiscated by the local police, not the federal government.

2. When you fly out of an airport, you have given permission to be searched. You DO have a choice ... don't fly. Same thing applies to Traffic checks ... like DUI checks. When the authorities put up the sign that says: "Sobriety Check Ahead," that is constructive notice to you that you will be searched. If you continue to proceed, you have given permission to be searched. The USSC ruled on this years ago.

3. Jose' Padilla, aka AAbdullah al-Muhajir bdullah al-Muhajir, was designated an illegal enemy combatant. He was tried and convicted in a federal court for terrorist activities.

4. You're gonna have to provide proof that Ohio voters had to have "proper papers" in order to vote. And, are we talking about a federal election here?

5. It doesn't matter if the 16th Amendment was ratified or not. It is part of the constitution, and the point here is weither the constitution is being shredded or not. As far as I know, the federal government is still abiding by the 16th Amendment and stealing as much of the fruits of our labor as they can. ~lol~




Well-Known Member
Since this thread started about Dennis Kucinich needs help, we lost sight of our target. Kucinich needs help? Kucinich needs a lobotomy! He is a krazy raving lunatic. Even if he did ever speak the truth, few would listen to the message. As a nation, our best energy should be spent supporting our best political options; not gazing at a monkey picking nits.


Well-Known Member
1. The firearms confiscated from the people after Katrina were confiscated by the local police, not the federal government.

2. When you fly out of an airport, you have given permission to be searched. You DO have a choice ... don't fly. Same thing applies to Traffic checks ... like DUI checks. When the authorities put up the sign that says: "Sobriety Check Ahead," that is constructive notice to you that you will be searched. If you continue to proceed, you have given permission to be searched. The USSC ruled on this years ago.

3. Jose' Padilla, aka AAbdullah al-Muhajir bdullah al-Muhajir, was designated an illegal enemy combatant. He was tried and convicted in a federal court for terrorist activities.

4. You're gonna have to provide proof that Ohio voters had to have "proper papers" in order to vote. And, are we talking about a federal election here?

5. It doesn't matter if the 16th Amendment was ratified or not. It is part of the constitution, and the point here is weither the constitution is being shredded or not. As far as I know, the federal government is still abiding by the 16th Amendment and stealing as much of the fruits of our labor as they can. ~lol~

1. Local or fed ... still government goons taking guns . ...

2. It wasn't like that at the airport until the FAKE terrorist treats by the illegitimate regime.

3. José Padilla was tried on trumped up charges to help the pretence of "fighting the terrorist. Only brownshirt like you think of this as credible.

4. I've provided plenty of proof ... I'm not going to waste my time reposted it ... google it ... there's plenty of proof out there ... only the bushies deny now that the elections were stolen. Nothing new.

5. Yeah ... it DOES matter that the 16th amenmend was not ratified. Only a brownshirt would make such a statement.:roll:



Well-Known Member
Since this thread started about Dennis Kucinich needs help, we lost sight of our target. Kucinich needs help? Kucinich needs a lobotomy! He is a krazy raving lunatic. Even if he did ever speak the truth, few would listen to the message. As a nation, our best energy should be spent supporting our best political options; not gazing at a monkey picking nits.
And pray tell us why the man need a labotomy? Because he speaks out against the corruption going on? Because he is the only one that will work for impeachment of war criminals? Because he believes he's a servant of the people? Because he believes the war is wrong and we need to pull out our troops?

...OH it's our "best political options" that we are to be concerned with is it? ...
... to hell with the war crimes ... to hell with the constitution ... to hell with the disregard for law ... to hell with the murders ... we have to be concerned with our "best political options":roll:
... the only people that don't listen to Kucinich are the ignorant or stupid ... which are you?



New Member
Well, let's see:

1st Amendment.

Hmmm ... so far, none of you Bush/Cheney haters have been arrested for sedition due to your hate speech.

2nd Amendment:

Government goons have not yet done their door to door search to confiscate your firearms.

3rd Amendment:

As far as I know, no citizen has had to house troops in their homes.

4th Amendment:

Other than my recent IRS tax audit, I don't know of any citizen that has had their papers and effects searched or seized without a warrant ... do you?

5th Amendment:

Anyone here been forced to be a witness against yourself?

6th Amendment:

Anyone you know been denied a speedy trial?

7th Amendment:

Anyone here been denied a trial by jury?

8th Amendment:

Anyone here been charged excessive bail, or been subject to cruel and unusual punishment?

9th Amendment:

Who do you know that has been denied rights that are not listed in the Constitution?

10th Amendment:

Ahh, yes ... the federal government violates this amendment all the time. Which of you, like me, would like to see the federal government chained by this Amendment? Come on now ... surely all the socialists among us would like to see the Constitution enforced, no? ~lol~

11th Amendment:

Anyone here been procecuted by a foreign state?

12th Amendment:

Has anyone here had their voting rights violated?

13th Amendment:

Ahh ... and another Constitutional Amendment that's been violated. This is the part about the involuntary servitude. Yeppers, the federal government expects me and you to keep our tax records without being paid for doing so. Hey, I didn't volunteer for it, did you?

14th Amendment:

Anyone here being deprived life, liberty or property without due process of law?

15th Amendment:

Have you been denied the right to vote?

16th Amendment:

Has Congress eliminated the income tax? We can only hope.

And on, and on ... and on ... an on.

Now then, which part of the Constitution has been shredded?

VI- on frontline 2 nights ago there was a report on all people the u.s. has carted away to illegal detention prisons. now, not all these guys are americans. and not all of them were on american soil. but all of them should have the same rights as american citizens. BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT BEEN CHARGED WITH ANY CRIME. you know: "we hold these truths to be self evident. that ALL men are created equal."

what is being done to them is wrong and it is in violation of OUR constitution, many of those ammendments you just quoted. you know the constitution; the one that the president put his blood felthy hand on the bible and swore to uphold.

there is not enough support in congress to impeach cheney or bush. for their treasonous, hatefull actions against mankind to have gone this far without impeachment or federal action shows how much of congress is corrupt and in their pockets.

for you and the other 20% of americans who stand by this bloodthirsty, power hungry puppet of old money and big buisness i say...wait. wait for the items which have been classified for the next 30 years to become available. i can't hate on you. i just don't understand how you can support a man like bush and his friends. did the pointless killing of vietnam teach you and cirtain americans nothing? THAT is why they can get away with this: some of you americans have no memory.

so, by then this conversation will mean nothing. but history will reveal the disgusting truth about the real cause behind this war. actually, the truth is already out there. exposed and available. people like you with blind faith in a man need the documents, huh? you're a pretty shitty judge of character, if you ask me.


New Member
2. When you fly out of an airport, you have given permission to be searched. You DO have a choice ... don't fly. Same thing applies to Traffic checks ... like DUI checks. When the authorities put up the sign that says: "Sobriety Check Ahead," that is constructive notice to you that you will be searched. If you continue to proceed, you have given permission to be searched. The USSC ruled on this years ago.
last i heard even california was trying to rull that this was illegal. random vehical checks...goodbye freedoms. innocent untill proven guilty...yeah right.

5. It doesn't matter if the 16th Amendment was ratified or not. It is part of the constitution, and the point here is weither the constitution is being shredded or not. As far as I know, the federal government is still abiding by the 16th Amendment and stealing as much of the fruits of our labor as they can. ~lol~
this is the most ignorant statement yet. so any president can stick something in the constitution without bothering to ratify it, and you'll accept it as the new law? i don't. that's not how this country works. the reason it wont get ratified is because taxing our income is illegal, according to the constitution. this HAS been proven and rulled by supreme courts numerous times.

forcing citizens to pay taxes on our income is the shreading of our constitution. forcing citizens to abide by a law NOT RATIFIED by the states is the shreading of our constitution.


New Member
I agree Closet, Vi is always spouting off about what a good judge of character he is, after all he is a salesman (I didn't say sleazy), but he can't read this government. The whole thing is: He got a big break on his taxes and he loves Bush. That is the mindset of rich people. the whole world can be turning to shit, but they got a break on their taxes, Selfish assholes.


New Member
this is the most ignorant statement yet. so any president can stick something in the constitution without bothering to ratify it, and you'll accept it as the new law? i don't. that's not how this country works. the reason it wont get ratified is because taxing our income is illegal, according to the constitution. this HAS been proven and rulled by supreme courts numerous times.

forcing citizens to pay taxes on our income is the shreading of our constitution. forcing citizens to abide by a law NOT RATIFIED by the states is the shreading of our constitution.

Of COURSE the ratification of constitutional amendments matter. It just doesn't matter as a point of this discussion.




Well-Known Member
And pray tell us why the man need a labotomy? Because he speaks out against the corruption going on? Because he is the only one that will work for impeachment of war criminals? Because he believes he's a servant of the people? Because he believes the war is wrong and we need to pull out our troops?

...OH it's our "best political options" that we are to be concerned with is it? ...
... to hell with the war crimes ... to hell with the constitution ... to hell with the disregard for law ... to hell with the murders ... we have to be concerned with our "best political options":roll:
... the only people that don't listen to Kucinich are the ignorant or stupid ... which are you?

Am I "ignorant or stupid"? I am neither, sir. And probably you are not either. But, Dennis Kucinich? He is a krazy man. Almost no one, in congress, or any where else, gives him a minutes notice. He's a spectacle, not a visionary.

He is an admitted communist. He has spoken out against the 2nd and 4th Amendments on several occasions. He probably would slaughter the rest of The Bill of Rights if the need presented itself. His only concern for liberty, the best I can tell, is when liberty offers a soap box to stand on so he can shout. Out of all the politicians in Congress, no one is more inconsistent, than Kucinich.

Your points are well taken. But, Kucinich is a poor messenger.