Kush Box


Well-Known Member
I may have stressed them a bit by topping so close to transition and defoliating at/near the same time, I really don't have much experience training plants indoors. However I like how many flower sites there are so far.

I loosely draped that trellis net over with no intentions of it holding up weight but more to train branches around the canopy while they were still malleable and give time for some of the lowers to catch up. Soon I will build a pvc cage so I can put a new working layer of trellis above for full flower weight.

Next piece is a dehu. Up until now they have liked the humid and hot room but I hate having to run the heater from morning-noon and I will want to drop humidity soon for flowering. Does anybody advise placing a dehu in the room to do both heating and dehumidifying? These rooms are very insulated(ostrich incubation chambers), if I do not run the heater the room will stay high 60-low70s until the sun hits the room fully(1-2pm), then it creeps up to the 80's.