Kush harvest/Cure BUT what to do about the Powerdy Mildew

clarke kent

I know it is a terrible question to ask, but I didn't want to pick too early like the last time when the PM showed up. So I waited and tried to keep humidity down. Seems it spread more than I wanted. I am now drying and it is there.

Does anyone know anything that can be done to remove PM from dried plants hanging and/or manicured buds.

I was thinking of blowing them with pressurized air??
Someone said dipping them in water??

I really don't want anyone smoking mold AND
it would be a great loss of an otherwise great crop.

Suggestions or experience with this matter?? PLEASE


Well-Known Member
Make bubblehash or butane/earwax/Honey Butter hash out of it. Don't smoke the raw buds. I'm told this is the only way to salvage a dried PM crop. For future reference, powdery mildew is the devil. I've had it, tried to fight it in damn near every way (Serenade, Eagle 20, Milk, Penetrator and Zone, H2O2, etc...) none were as effective as if I had just pulled the plants and started with fresh clones that didn't have PM after cleaning out my grow space with bleach water.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
I agree with making hash or even something with an alchohol base. Its not worth it to me to smoke MOLD! some say it wont hurt if its a little claiming "mold is everywhere, a little wont hurt" Just think of this, The flame might kill the spores, but what happens to the stuf that doesnt get burned. If you use a bong the water will continue to feed and grow these spores.

Just a thought to help ensure your quality of life. Im not saying that a small speck on a few buds would stop me from smoking the rest of it. But if it looks like it snowed on your plant then its in the danger zone.. ASK YOUR DOCTOR! they would know and cannot release informationg about your smoking.
I have the same issue. Just found that shit on my plants today. 6 weeks into flowering and I don't want to pull early with only 2 weeks left. How much will this stuff spread in two weeks? I pulled off all the leaves I could find with it growing on them but I know the spores are everywhere and that won't stop the spread, probably wont be slow it. I hope these plants finish up here quickly...ug.

West Coast Medicine

Well-Known Member
I have the same issue. Just found that shit on my plants today. 6 weeks into flowering and I don't want to pull early with only 2 weeks left. How much will this stuff spread in two weeks? I pulled off all the leaves I could find with it growing on them but I know the spores are everywhere and that won't stop the spread, probably wont be slow it. I hope these plants finish up here quickly...ug.
Bro, you need to Serenade those ASAP. That PM will spread like wildfire once it's on the plants or in the air unless you were already using neem. Don't use neem now but next time put it on when you put the plants into veg.


i'm getting some pm on my stems!!! and lower leaves, i spray with neem wherever I see some signs, i check everyday, usually spray every otherday, my humidity is low but my day temps are 84 :/ , im using diluted neem.... but it still shows up....


so should i be spraying neem on the affected areas or the whole plant? right now i've been just spraying the specific location of pm

clarke kent

My crop was salvagable and in fact beautiful, works great and smells great! But indeed some PM, though I let it dry quite well and used vacuum and fans and tossed them around a lot. Not a loss and I dont' think I am the first this has ever happened to. At my age (53) who knows how much of this I've encountered in the last 40 years.

This next time I am using preventative measures, Eagle 20, Sulpher burn maybe, neem, keep humidity lower than I did (was about 60) going to about 40. Going to keep temp down to below 80 (using CO2 so higher is better).

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