Kush is my cologne


Active Member
Sup /TnT,
I've been really into this fucking idea of making kush my cologne. Now making cologne at home shouldn't be any harder than cooking with kush or growing it. I simply google "home made cologne" and bam.

3 drops Bergamot essential/fragrance oil
2 drops Frankincense essential/fragrance oil
3 drops cedarwood essential/fragrance oil
1/2 pt (300ml) 70 percent alcohol or vodka

Directions: Pour the alcohol into a bottle or jar. Add the oils and shake well. Leave for 1 week. Don't forget to try and make your own scents as well, after all you're unique.. shouldn't your cologne be too?

And don't forget to give it a name...maybe something that sounds like your personality...so if you're a strong type then " Un Soldier" or "Journey", you get the point.​

Now just replace all other flower oils with merely cannabis fragrance oil and viola!

Anyone have any Kush cologne recipes or ideas for making such things?


Active Member
Found another recipe:
Essential eau de cologne

2/3 cup vodka
60 drops orange essential oil
30 drops bergamot essential oil
30 drops lemon essential oil
6 drops neroli essential oil
6 drops rosemary essential oil
3 tablespoons distilled or boiled water

You will need a sterilized 8-ounce glass bottle with a tight-fitting stopper, a bowl, and a paper coffee filter.

Pour the vodka and essential oils into the bottle. Let stand for 1 week, shaking daily. Add water, shake, and leave 4 to 6 weeks. Strain through the filter into the bowl, then pour into the bottle. Keep in a cool, dark place.

Note: If you are looking for high-quality therapeutic grade essential oils, I highly recommendYoung Living. I am simply in love with their products, they are a part of nearly every facet of my life.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Damn man im to stoned and drunk to even read that shit, sounds intense... Question wouldnt it just be easier to smoke kush all the time and jut always smell like it? i dunno maybe im just drunk


Active Member
Of course smoking kush all the time would make you smell like that, but fuck we all grow our weed here. Taking an ounce out of your finest kush harvest to extract a few drops of plant essential oils to make a near priceless cologne would be amazing! Maybe that would be 500 bucks you won't see in your pocket, but you didn't go to macy's and spend 100 on some shit from some rich prick.

I actually have no idea how to extract essential oils from a flower. I can extract thc into some olive oil, but don't quite think its the same.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ya man it would def be cool for sure, i mean it wouldnt go in my pocket, it could go in hella bongs blunts and what not, but shit man if ya got some to spare then you might as well! Ya i would have no idea how to do that, if you do you def gotta let us know how it goes.


Active Member
I'm not google'n the shit out of this idea. Another brief description on making essential oils:
Essential Oil Extraction - Distillation
The Egyptians stored their raw materials in large clay pots. Water are added and the pots heated so that steam rose and was pushed through a cotton cloth in the neck of the jar. This soaked up the essential oil which was then squeezed and pressed out into a collection vessel. The same principle remains in use today as high pressure steam is passed over the leaves or flowers in a sophisticated still often using a vacuum, so that the essential oils within them vaporize. When the steam carrying the essential oil passes though a cooling system, the oil condenses and cannot be separated easily from the water.

Essential Oil Extraction - Maceration
Flowers are soaked in hot oil to break down the cells, releasing their fragrance into the oil which is then purified and the essential oil is extracted.

Essential Oil Extraction - Enfleurage
This is the method by which flower essences such as Jasmine, Rose, which are more delicate and difficult to obtain are extracted. Flowers or petals are crushed between wooden framed, glass trays smeared with a greasy animal fat until the fat is saturated with their perfume.

Essential Oil Extraction - Pressing
This is a simple method of squeezing out literally, essential oils from the rinds and peel off ripe fruit such as orange and lemon into a sponge.


Active Member
I don't operate quite like that right now, but in a couple of months I'm going big. Huge. I'm hoping harvest this year goes to infinite and beyond. And while I tinker around with genetic breeding, I'll also be tinkering with this cologne project. Micheal Phelps, I'll send you a bottle if you endorse my product(I know you aren't really him). And by endorse, i mean tell everyone I did a good job on the cologne, whether I do or not.


I have looked into this myself bro..... I am into essential oils and fragrance making, and also had a plan to make a pot cologne.... but "demeter" and one other company have beat us to it.... not to say our versions wouldnt be better ;)..... I think the best way to extract pot's essential oils would be the steam distilation, but alas, like you I do not have the resources atm to give it a go.


Well-Known Member
We already got a oil around here called kush theres like a 1000 different kinds.Purple Haze smells the best.They sell them at sunoco and shit Its not weed they make it with though just a fancy name.