Kush plants dying, leaves turning brown and falling off


Hey guys, just joined this board, i searched and found some similar issues others have had with yellowing/dying leaves. It seems that some people had Nitrogen deficincies and Soil PH being too low. Also some were overwatering, or using too much nutes... anyways here are some pics of my girls... This is the second time this has happened. It was a lot less noticible last time around, but a few plants actually died.

This show is about 6 weeks in... growing under 1000w HPS lights. Room was at 78F Day, 75F Night, I've decied to raise it to 82F Day and 78F Night now.... i think 78 was too cold for Kush.
Currrent soil PH is at around 6.5, i'm going to waterat 7.5 next time to raise it up to 7...

I feed once every 5 days... so I dont think it's overwatering, nutes are always under 1000PPM. let me know what you guys think



i'm gonna take all the dead leaves off today and see if that helps... also gonna try to hit them with extra N


Well-Known Member
might as well leave anything with green on it. your plants are starving for what looks like a few things. take away any of the green without correcting the deficiency and the plant will get the nutes from more important bud leaves

imo they look real hungry for nitrogen, calcium and magnesium

they look late into flower, so some epsom salts will probably get you to harvest without them suffering much further


Active Member
Do they finish at 8 weeks? if so this is normal to have some yellowing leaves at week 6. I always think of the end of the cycle like fall in my grow room. They are using the nutes out to the fan leaves to provide for the buds thus stripping them of that dark green. Its nature man. completely normal for this late in the grow. From the pics its mostly the big fan leaves. If it spreads to the small leaves around the buds then you have other issues. just finish them out man. you should be fine. flush time anyways.

and for the record. I had some kush plants that died on me too on my 3rd grow. they are very picky from what I have learned, the smallest changes can stress them to death. If this is something you are truely concerned about add a little veg nutes to them man. you'll be fne.


thanks for the replies. I've been feeding them my regular program and this only started happening the last two shows. All my shows before those the leaves would stay green until take down.
I'm hoping to run this 63 days. Around day 50 now. So i've got two weeks to go. I'm gonna do a feed tonight with some veg food and pick off the dead leaves. I've never used epsom salts, what do those do and where do I get them?


another factor i think was switching programs. I started this room running the Supernatural program and had OK results. So i decided to go back to my old Advanced Nutrients program for one show. That didn't show much improvement, so now I'm back to my Supernatural program. Do you guys think the soil is cooked with nutes and needs to be flushed out? I re-use my soil


Well-Known Member
Yeah man ur buds in ur pics look beautiful to me, its not a problem if fan leaves starts turning yellow and dying they r just using up all of their energy and are not needed any more, as long as u don't see the buds themselves turning brown or yellow and dying you don't have any problems, except that I wanna smoke it nigga


Active Member
Yeah man ur buds in ur pics look beautiful to me, its not a problem if fan leaves starts turning yellow and dying they r just using up all of their energy and are not needed any more, as long as u don't see the buds themselves turning brown or yellow and dying you don't have any problems, except that I wanna smoke it nigga
For Sure. ^^^^^^^^^^^agree with all LOL


well i picked off all the dead leaves and gave them a good feed. found some PM while i was in there, so had to spray some Nova to get rid of it... we'll see how they look in a few days


Well-Known Member
This problem will reduce your harvest ,alot. Its a root system issue due to pots being too small which encourages salts build up which in turn gives you the K and N def which you have. No flushing,spraying or extra nutes will correct this ,the damage is done.
Next grow bigger pots and flush every 5-6 feeds to remove excess salts.


ah ok, i'm not going in pots, growing in beds. they are about 8-9" deep. i can't seem to get good roots in any of my grows, do I just need more soil?


Active Member
Yeah man, you should definitely flush your plants. Get some Superleach and follow the directions to the T. Its best flush i know of.

And with your supernatural are you running Ultimate thrive with it?? Or are u just using the base? If you don't have the Ulimate thrive, get some. Its the key to using supernatural. I've tried a run without it, and i didn't have to many problems, but it definitly made a difference.

Your issues are probably from re-using your soil.


Yup I'm using thrive, bloom, superlicious, and in last two weeks I go to bud blaster. Super leach is great, except I won't be able to reuse my soil after. Anything else I can use? It's a lot of soil I'd have to replace since I'm growing in beds. I think around 15 bails at $30/pop for sunshine #4


Active Member
have u ever used the Supernatural soil? terra soil? They claim that you can re-use it and get the same results. And i got a friend who swears by it. I still throw mine out, i may re-use a bit of it, but im replacing at least 50% with new soil. http://www.supernaturalbrand.com/products/terra-soil/............ If your using sunshine 4, try adding more soil ammendments when you do re-use it. You need to really make sure you re-vitalize it.

btw are u saying if you use superleach, you won't be able to re-use your soil? Superleach is the flushing product, it will help you re-use your soil. right?


My buddy uses the terrasoil and seems to have similar results as me, so I never saw a reason to switch to that soil. Everytime I reuse my soil I add Pyroclay and Lime.
Reason why i say i can't reuse my soil after using super leach is that the soil needs to be flushed after using the stuff. My beds are on the ground and do not have drains, therefore I can't really flush the soil. I think for my next one I will take out about half the soil and add new sunshine #4. Hopefully that will even it out.


Active Member
Ahh icic, your using pots then.. that makes sense, yeah that would be hard to flush the soil. Yeah it would probably benefit you huge if you could properly flush it. If you don't have drains, what do you do if you overwater?

I've been using the terra soil, it kills it man. and it flushes so well, im on my fourth time re-using my soil now, and its always been consistent results, no change what so ever. Its the nicest soil i've ever used.


I use beds, not pots. I have the watering figured out pretty well. I run about 20 gals per bed. Every 4-5 days. It never gets too dry or too wet. I'll look into the terra soil