Kush potentials trying to get to optimal conditions


I found a seed out of a quarter bag of some kush. I was about to recieve 5 clones of ghani but it fell through. Luck brought me this seed but I do not want to depend on just luck to raise it.

I probably did not do as much research as I should.
I initially planted the seed in tap water soaked soil from my neighborhood flower beds.
I left outside for natural aid for one week.
I return from out of town a week later I have a seedling with 4 leaves.
Obviously 2 flat leaves and 2 serrated.
I transplant to 9 inch circle pot with miracle grow organic choice 10-5-5 npk
I slightly misted and filled self watering pot drain pan with this solution of:
least 1000 ml of distilled water with little minerals
100 ml of carbonated water
100 ml of hydrogen peroxide.

I read in multiple places about speeding growing process up. Thats what I gained from it. Its prob not right.

I have noticed purple on the stem and slight yellowing slivers on the first leaves. I added a little tspoon of epsom salt for mg def. I am now thinking dolomite lime.
The second set of serrated leaves have sprouted.

I have tested run off water at around 7. I am worried that the miracle grow organic potting mix made it to acidic but I feel im not getting a good reading of the soil since i used a pool ph testing kit. I have no idea the humidity. I keep temp just under 80. I vent a lot of the day with cieling fan and windown nearby to closet. I also worry about the watering solution. I dont plan on using it again anytime soon. one 6500k cfl one 2700k cfl for most of color spectrum. about 6 inches up.

As i said this has been a shoot first ask questions later type of thing so far but I would really like some help to keep this baby in motion.


Active Member
Just a few pointers for you. The CO2 in the carbonated water will disolve unless the container is under pressure (had a sealable lid). Also, the roots of a plant, (when you add water) do not need CO2, they need oxygen, it is the leaves that need CO2 for photosynthesis. I appreciate you sprayed with this solution but a better plan would be to try and concentrate on developing the roots. If you do this, good plant health will follow. Also, H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) dissapates in under an hour so it is better to add it on an as needed basis rather than adding 100ml to 1l of water to be used later. The purple on the stem is probably a genetic trait rather than a sign of a deficiency. The yellowing leaves are the plant saying "I am hungry". Although I do not like pre-nuted soils, they will provide nutrition for up to 6 weeks or so. I would advise water, water, feed every 3 days as a feeding schedule. The feed should be no more than 50% strength nutrients until the plant is well established. The Epsom salts & Dolomite lime are good moves. When you repot, adding these and a little prelite to your soil will help a lot. Try to get "topsoil" if you can rather than pre-nuted fertilisers. Get yourself a digital ph meter, they can be acquired for around £20 ($30) from ebay. The pool test kits and those 2 prong moisture/ph testers are worse than useless. PH everything that goes into the pot at 6.3. Tap water is fine (unless it is very hard water over 300ppm) but let it stand for 24 hours so any chlorine in it can dissapate, likewise, mix you nutrients, allow to stand for 24 hours, then ph. Your baby looks fine, just water when the top of the soil is dry and if you see yellowing, feed it. Your routine once a few sets of leaves are present will be as mentioned, water, water, feed. Green mojo dude. W


I bought a small clothes steamer and a ?humidimeter?. Cost 20 bucks total. I noticed it wasnt humid enough for the baby the humidity was under 50. I have had it goin on and off all night it is now up to 53. Im thinking close to 60 will be nice. I also surrounded grow box with windshield car window reflector to increase the area of light hitting the plant.

Woody, you make a great point. I was worried bout the nutes. Specially the micro. I bought some miracle grow feeder sticks which u stick in the soil and let them soak.
I have not used them yet and was hoping for some feedback before i did. it contains 6%N 12%P 6%K .5%mg water soluble 2% sulfur .02% boron.05%copper. 15%iron. .05% mn. .05 Zn.
I guess thats per spike it doesnt say.


Active Member
A humidity meter is called a hygrometer and for babies like yours, 60%+ is where its at. Only while in veg though. Humidity over 60% in flower can cause mould, powdery mildue and other nasties. If using a grow box, the best reflective material is Mylar or Diamond Mylar. DO NOT use cooking foil since it is designed to keep heat in, not reflect light. Mirrors are the same, don't use them. If you cant get Mylar, use flat white paint. The feeder sticks are great for flowers but not for MJ. The pkn ratio's are no good for veg, the P is much too high (this tells me they are for flowering). The sticks are coated in time release nutrient whose values are the ratios you see, I would not use them! If you are serious, buy some MJ nutes from a grow shop or online. They will be a great investment. Remember, you are trying to grow a plant whose flowers sell for £200 ($3-500) per oz and some investment will be needed. Peace W