kushberry vs. hashberry

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
I would recommend Island Sweet Skunk for an outdoor grow. I grew this indoor and it's pretty effin amazing actually. Only downside was that it's a little light on yield and stretches a lot, both of which should be remedied by growing it outdoors. The smell is VERY unique and the THC content is supposed to be 19.6%. So strong it makes you sweat a little when you smoke it. The high lasts for about 3-4 hours so it has great legs too. ; )


Well-Known Member
HashBerry is a pretty dense indica, so I wouldn't recommend it for an outside grow.

If you want to see how it grows check out the link in my sig...I'm growing some now along with Super Skunk.

As far as flavor/potency goes on the HB...it's about average I'd say. Def more of a stony indica ride, and the flavor is not really like they describe it. It's more of a lemon-lime diesel smell. Barely any taste on the inhale, but a nice lime-diesel flavor on the exhale. Medium potency, very clear-headed, more of a body stone. Good legs though at 2-3 hour duration.

And last, regarding Mandala in general...I used to talk up Mandala all the time to everyone because I really dug their whole idea on the landrace strains and of course you can't beat the prices. So I ordered 10 HBs and 10 White Satins. Out of the 10 HB seeds 3 germed and lived and 1 ended up being female. So I still have that strain around. The White Satin however was a different story. About 8 of the 10 germed, and then about a day later died. NONE of them lived. It could have been the batch that I got from the seedbank or something, but I just chalk it up to not a lot of heads order Mandala seeds so they sat around a lot longer and got old. To me it just really seemed like they were old. And the packaging was just a slip of paper with their logo on one side, and a pic of the strain and brief description on the reverse. The seeds were in a little dope baggie scotch taped to the slip of paper. Not very professional if you ask me. :neutral:
They say not to germinate their seeds before putting them in soil or whatever medium. Maybe that had something to do with your problems.


Active Member
thats wierd plant them in the medium befor germ.
It's not really weird at all and in fact that's how a lot of people that have been growing for years germ the seed. Think about it. Does mother nature provide wet paper towels or a shot glass of water? I don't think so.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Mother nature also drops hundreds or thousands of seeds at a time, and doesn't pay up to $250.00 for 10 seeds. THAT is why people pre-germ. Not because it can't be done au natural, but because each seed is so valuable that no one wants to roll the dice and leave germination up to chance. Just pre-germ and you're basically guaranteed superior results over putting it in soil and hoping for the best. If anything you'll break even and not lose anything. You're eliminating variables this way.

Maybe, but I seriously doubt that that was the straw that broke em. The seed packaging was cheap as dirt and I feel the seeds were old. One of the baggies of seeds, although there were ten uncrushed seeds in there, also had a bunch of crushed seed bits in with them. It just seemed like a cheap product merchandised in a less than optimal way.


Active Member
i have about a 98% germ rate in str8 soil ... i think you guys are putting your seeds too deep. I see people losing seeds all the time in paper towels... i lost my best og kush seeds that way =( . I would say do you what you feel will work best for you. You can only learn from experience...


Active Member
i love hashberry and kushberry i gro them both outside and i think it's hard to tell i think i might like kushberry more cause of it's flavor it taste like kush with blueberry undertones and the hashberry taste like blueberry with hashy fuely undertones, i mean it's real hard to tell i do like the trichome size on the hashberry, idk i think it depends on the person i love them equally they are amazing plats:peace: